Education: New HSL Librarian Curriculum Project

Established June 2023, revised January 2024

The New HLS Librarian Curriculum Project Workgroup shall, in collaboration with the Education Steering Committee and the Director of Education:The New Health Sciences Librarians Curriculum Workgroup is responsible for establishing and maintaining MLA curricula for librarians new to the profession of health sciences librarianship under the oversight of the Education Steering Committee and in collaboration with the Curriculum Committee, ad hoc groups, and the Director of Education.

The workgroup shall:

  • develop and ensure currency of learning outcomes for the curriculum;
  • develop timelines for launch of the curriculum;
  • evaluate educational offerings and other materials for inclusion in the curriculum;
  • solicit and provide feedback on proposals for educational offerings and other materials;
  • create certificate programs and course packages to serve specific audiences and needs;
  • ensure currency of courses, course packages, certificate programs, materials, and other elements of the curriculum;
  • collaborate with other entities to develop the curriculum;
  • communicate goals, accomplishments, and recommendations with the Education Steering Committee;
  • maintain an operations manual that accurately reflects its work.

The workgroup consists of 6 to 12 members who are appointed because of their expertise in curriculum development and knowledge of the training needs of the specific topic area:

  • 5 to 11 members at-large who serve a one-year terms with an option to extend for a second or third year;
  • 1 chair selected from one of the outgoing members who serves for one year with an option to serve a second year as chair; alternatively, any current member at-large can be appointed as chair.