MLA/NLM Leiter Lecture Committee

Established January 1984; Revised September 1995; September 2005

The committee consists of an equal number of members from MLA and the National Library of Medicine appointed by the president of MLA. At least two of the appointed members, including one from the National Library of Medicine, will be appointed each year. The chair, selected from the two most senior members, would be the NLM appointee for the year in which the lecture would be held at NLM, and the MLA appointee the year in which the lecture will be given at the annual meeting. The chair of MLA’s National Program Committee serves an an ex officio member during the year in which a lecture is given at the MLA annual meeting. The committee shall:

  • provide for the joint sponsorship by MLA and NLM of an intellectual dialog on subjects related to biomedical communications that will serve to stimulate intellectual liaison between NLM and MLA
  • determine the topic, form of presentation, and identity of sponsored speakers in accordance with the terms of the agreement; presentations may be, but are not limited to, individual lecturers, symposia, or panel discussions
  • make decisions on cosponsoring a presentation with funding from other organizations or individuals
  • prepare and submit an annual budget and midyear and annual reports