Continuing Education Grant

The purpose of the Medical Library Association Continuing Education (CE) Grant is to provide members with the opportunity to develop their knowledge of the theoretical, administrative, or technical aspects of librarianship. More than one continuing education grant may be awarded in a year. The grant may be used for MLA opportunities offered through MEDLIB-ED or other CE activities. 


  • The applicant must:
    • hold a graduate degree in library science.
    • be a practicing health sciences librarian with at least two years of professional experience.
    • be a member of MLA.
    • be a citizen of or have permanent residence status in either the United States or Canada.
  • In exceptional cases, consideration will be given to an outstanding candidate not meeting the eligibility criteria outlined above.


The grant jury will assess the application and score points based on statement of career objectives, relevance of course to objectives, funding justification, and clarity of application. 

  • The proposed course of study should be relevant to the library work in which the applicant is currently engaged.
    • Scope, level of study, duration, and budget should be given.
    • Consideration is given for library experience and professional activities of the applicant.
    • The CE activity must be within the United States or Canada.
  • The applicant must submit the names of three references:
    • not related to the applicant
    • knowledgeable of the applicant’s character, education, and abilities
  • The online application must be completed and all supporting files uploaded no later than November 15.
  • MLA will acknowledge applications upon receipt via email.
  • Late and incomplete applications will not be considered.
  • Depending on the qualifications/requests of the candidates, the jury may recommend that the grant not be awarded in a given year.

Awarding of Grant

  • The grant will not exceed $500 (or $250 in the case of two recipients)
  • Grants will not be given to support work toward a degree or certificate, although course work that complements a candidate’s program, yet is not part of the normal professional curriculum, will be considered.

Grant Funds

  • The grant may be used for professional development and/or activities in the areas of medical information services.  
  • All proposed expenses must clearly align with the intention of the grant and will be evaluated for relevance.
  • Funding may be used for reasonable and actual expenses that meet MLA guidelines:
    • Direct costs related to profession development or conference attendance (e.g., registration fees, books)
    • Direct costs related to the project, where applicable (e.g., scans of library resources or interlibrary loans, teleconferencing fees, virtual polling software)
    • Physical travel within North America, or international travel when specifically allowed (e.g., mileage, travel fares, lodging)
    • Costs to enable the awardee to travel (may allow for compensation for reasonable expenses, e.g., family caregiving)
  • The funds may not be used for institutional overhead, other indirect costs, or income tax payments.


  • The recipient and nonrecipients will be notified in March before the public announcement is made.
  • The grant recipient will will receive grant funds after expense statements, receipts, and verification of program completion are submitted to MLA headquarters in June. 
  • The amount requested and actual grant awarded may not necessarily be the same amount. The amount reimbursed will not exceed actual expenses
  • The period of disbursement of grant funds will not exceed one year past the date of the MLA annual conference. 
  • The recipient will be asked to share a photo and video for the virtual awards ceremony held in April. 
  • If there are no appropriate candidates, the association may elect not to present the grant in a given year.