Submit I Am MLA Story

Thank you for participating in the “I Am MLA” campaign. Carefully read the following information to understand how your photo and responses will be used. 

  • By completing this form, you consent to using your responses and photo to promote MLA on the member side of MLANET which includes MLAConnect.
  • Only one question requires an answer and that is “Why is MLA important to you?”
  • Please answer at least 6 additional questions, 3 in each of the professional and personal sections to be shared with MLA members on MLANET.
  • Content may be edited for grammar and clarity. An editor may contact you for additional information if needed.
  • The answers to your questions will only be available to MLA members unless you provide permission for MLA social media and the public MLANET site at the end of this survey.

Your fellow MLA members want to get to know you! Answer some brief questions about your career, interests, and hobbies to become our next featured I Am MLA profile. This program is a wonderful way to showcase our diverse membership and meet new people.

If you have questions please contact Kate Corcoran.

Thank you so much for participating!

I Am MLA Story Submission

Publication Date(Required)
I became a librarian because …
My first library job or first professional position was…
My advice to someone taking on a new role in leadership is…
The most interesting project I have worked on is…
I consider the most pressing issues or trends in librarianship to be…
My bucket list includes…
In my spare time, for fun, or to relax…
The best thing I’ve read/watched/listened to recently is…
The five words that best describe me are…
Others might be surprised to know that…
I am most proud of…
Please indicate your preference as it relates to making your information available to others:
Please upload your photo here
Minimum size XXXX
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.