7 Things to Try on the New MLANET

It’s a website! And an association management
system, and a community platform…

Yesterday afternoon, MLA welcomed a new arrival: the new website.

We’ll introduce you to some of the many changes in more detail over the next few weeks. Here are a few things you can do right now to get started: 

1. Log in. To use many of the features of the new site, first you’ll need to log in. Your login is your email address (not your member number or username), plus your existing password from the old MLANET. 

2. Look at your profile. Once you’re logged in, look for “My Options” just underneath your name, on the top right of the screen. From the dropdown, select “My Profile.” Here, you’ll find information about your membership and your career. To view your public page, what others will see, choose “My Page” from the right-side menu.

If you’ve earned your membership in the Academy of Health Information Professionals, or if you’re a member of a committee, section, or SIG, you’ll see badges associated with these groups on your public page. We hope these badges will be both informative and fun. Look for more badges to be rolled out soon! 

3. Fill in that “No Picture Available” spot by adding a photo. (Ideally of yourself, though we won’t tell if you upload a picture of a kitten or a supermodel instead.) This photo will appear when you participate in a forum discussion or engage in other activities on the new MLANET. 

4. Visit your communities. At the bottom of your profile, you’ll see a list of community memberships. Click on one of these memberships to go to the community for that group. Depending on the community, you may see a forum, a blog, static pages, and other content.

One change we’re very excited about: rosters for committees, sections, and SIGs are all available in your communities, on demand, updated in real time.

5. Join a section—it’s easier than ever, and most sections cost only a few dollars per year.  

  • Go to your membership information.
  • Click “View” next to your current membership.
  • Click the “Add package” button to add additional packages and select your new section.

6. Join a special interest group. For the first time, you will be able to easily join and participate in SIGs, as well as see who else is part of a particular SIG. There is no fee to participate in a special interest group. To join a special interest group, just click the “Join” button on this page.

7. Earn another badge by posting in a forum for the first time. Either visit the forum for a group you’re involved in, or go to the main MLA members forum and introduce yourself or start a conversation with your MLA colleagues. 

Go ahead—play around. You won’t break it! And if you want to know more about how to use something, please reach out to us either by leaving a comment here, emailing us, or calling us at 312.419.9094.