750+ Libraries Support the New EFTS

Great news, and thank you!

750+ libraries have expressed their interest to join the new EFTS by requesting a user agreement from MLA.

MLA will proceed with actual development and implementation once MLA’s agreement with NLM, that details the integration between DOCLINE and EFTS, is formalized and signed. At that time MLA will electronically (DocuSign) send the User Agreement to libraries that have requested.

Click [Link removed (here)] to request a user agreement from MLA (one request per LIBID).


  • There is a USD $275 Activation Fee for each account (one per LIBID) signing up for the new EFTS platform.
  • Libraries can opt to pay for the cost of the Activation Fee from their existing EFTS account at UCHC (specified when filling out the User Agreement).
  • Libraries will also indicate whether they want their current EFTS funds transfered to the new EFTS when the systems transition, or paid back to their library.
  • For current EFTS account information, please contact EFTS at UCHC.

Click here to view the list of current EFTS libraries, sorted by LIBID.

Click here for the specifications of the new EFTS, and Q&A.

Contact Kevin Baliozian, MLA Executive Director, for additional questions or suggestions.