Announcing the MLA ’20 vConference and Exhibits! Registration Opens June 5!

Join your colleagues, friends, and vendors for the MLA ’20 vConference and Exhibits, a full-featured experience of virtual learning and networking. MLA invites you to participate in this groundbreaking, interactive experience designed by your 2020 National Program Committee (NPC) and the MLA team.

Here is what you can look forward to.

Live Kickoff: July 27

A welcome session will kick off your experience for a full month of robust and dynamic programming. The welcome will also give you the opportunity to discover the highlights of the InSight Initiative, recognize the generous MLA ’20 vConference sponsors, support your colleagues by watching the awards and recognitions ceremony, and participate in an innovative and fun networking event. Get tips on how to best experience the vConference and Exhibits as well.

Exploration: July 27 to August 9

The MLA ’20 vConference and Exhibits continues with visits to the virtual exhibit hall, which will feature health information products and services presented by our world-class exhibitors, posters, lightning talks, papers, and exciting social events (did anybody say yoga or game night?).

Live Action Week: August 10 to 14

Get ready to learn, share, give feedback, and make new connections! Take advantage of virtual innovations to engage in more vendor exhibits and symposia, lightning talks and paper meet-ups, interactive immersion sessions, keynote speeches, National Library of Medicine (NLM) updates, PubMed conversations, and social hours. Be sure to listen to the closing session panel discussion on open science that will wrap up a full week of highly impactful presentations.

Watch Later (Viewing Only): Open until August 31

That’s one full month of content, including vendor exhibits, symposia, and presentations that will extend beyond 2020.

Registration Opens June 5

We have designed a new pricing structure for the MLA ’20 vConference and Exhibits. And we are excited to announce the launch of our new CE Passport program, where you can take advantage of full access to MLA online continuing education (CE) courses through December 31, 2020.

We understand that many are facing tight institutional budgets or personal hardships. We have increased our financial support to $50,000, by offering 145 no charge registrations, subject to eligibility requirements and availability. Please consult the Financial Support page to find eligibility requirements and to apply on a first-come, first-served basis.

If you have already registered for MLA ’20, you may convert your existing meeting registration with multiple options, purchase a new registration, purchase a new combined registration for the vConference and new CE Passport (see below), or choose the CE Passport separately. Visit the Registration Information page for full details.

Interested in institutional pricing? New volume discounts apply for institutional registrations. Be sure to visit the Registration Information page for full details.

CE Passport: Full Access to MLA Online Courses through December 31, 2020

Extend your virtual learning experience and access all of MLA’s online curriculum through December 31, 2020, by subscribing to the new CE Passport. Bundle your CE Passport with your vConference for even better value.

More Information

If you would like to learn more about the vConference and Exhibits, we invite you to attend the vConnections: Association Member Series, Annual Meeting Innovation Open Forum, Tuesday, June 9, at 1:00 p.m., central, where more information about the MLA ’20 vConference and Exhibits will be presented.

Discover this new experience and uncover fresh and interesting content. We hope that you will join us for this dynamic event and celebrate our collective resilience and dedication to forging connections without boundaries.