Applications for InSight Initiative Summit 2 Sought

The InSight Initiative Task Force is pleased to announce that applications are now being sought for the second InSight Initiative Summit, “Meeting the Evolving Information Needs of Library Stakeholders,” to be held September 27–28, 2018. Applications for health sciences librarians are being accepted through July 31, 2018.

Here is what some of the attendees thought of the first summit:

“Thanks for the wonderful well-run summit. I was so impressed with how everything flowed from one activity to another. The best part is that there were meaningful conversations happening all over the place.” Nadine Dexter, AHIP, Harriet F. Ginsburg Health Sciences Library, University of Central Florida–Orlando

“I really like the idea of bridging the gap between publisher and end-user, and I think that’s something really helpful and productive that will come out of these meetings going forward.” Christina Sontag, Springer Nature

The summit brings together MLA leaders and select participating organizations to engage in high-level, high-value dialogue on issues of common interest that impact the health information profession. Tangible outcomes include publicly accessible white papers, journal articles, and other resources that are intended to steer future directions in the scholarly communications specialty related to health sciences.

Organizations who have committed to participate in the initiative and whose financial support is making this effort possible include American Psychiatric Association Publishing, Annual Reviews, BMJ Publishing, Elsevier, F1000, The JAMA Network, McGraw-Hill Education, NEJM Group, Rockefeller University Press (new for InSight Initiative Summit 2), Springer Nature, and Wolters Kluwer. MLA is thankful to them and appreciates their interest and engagement.

For more information about this initiative, including objectives, outcomes, guidelines, and task force members, please consult the Insight Initiative home page.