“Born Digital” Series Concludes

Since January 2016, the MLA News has run a series of articles on “Born Digital” medical libraries. These articles were written by members of the Association of Academic Health Sciences Libraries (AAHSL) Committee on New and Developing Academic Health Sciences Libraries. The editor thanks the following individuals for their contributions to this series:

  • Nadine Dexter, AHIP, Harriet F. Ginsburg Health Sciences Library, University of Central Florida–Orlando
  • Bradley A. Long, AHIP, Park Library, Central Michigan University–Mount Pleasant
  • Elizabeth R. Lorbeer, AHIP, Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine Library, Western Michigan University School of Medicine–Kalamazoo
  • Joanne Muellenbach, AHIP, Health Sciences Library, University of Nevada–Las Vegas
  • Debra C. Rand, AHIP, Health Sciences Library, Hofstra Northwell School of Medicine, Hempstead, NY
  • Matthew Wilcox, Edward and Barbara Netter Library, Quinnipiac University, New Haven, CT

If you missed one or more of these interesting and enlightening articles, you can search for them in the MLA News using the keywords “Born Digital.” Articles in the series are:

  • “[Link removed (Born Digital”: A Tale of New and Developing Health Sciences Libraries)], January 2016
  • [Link removed (A Space of One’s Own: Library Space Planning in “Born Digital” Libraries)], March 2016
  • [Link removed (Staffing the “Born Digital’ Library)], May 2016
  • [Link removed (Budgeting for an Opening Day Collection in “Born Digital” Libraries)], September 2016
  • [Link removed (Liaison Committee on Medical Education Requirements and the “Born Digital” Library)], November/December 2016
  • [Link removed (Development of a Medical Informatics Program in “Born Digital” Libraries)], January 2017
  • [Link removed (The Start-Up Culture at the “Born Digital” Library)], March 2017