Bylaws: Where We Are Now

Since beginning to formally solicit feedback from members in early February, the bylaws committee has received many astute comments regarding the changes to the MLA bylaws and rules of order. Many of you have used the bylaws forum and email to share your comments, suggestions, and copy edits. We have found your comments and suggestions extremely helpful, and will be addressing many of them during the discussion and vote at the annual meeting.   

Some issues that you have raised in the last several weeks include:

  • Questions about the [Link removed (intention or reasoning for changes to article III, section 5, Dues concerning membership dues and/or assessments)]
  • [Link removed (Request that the bylaws specify that the MLA Board procedures manual be made a public document)]
  • [Link removed (Request that a grievance process be specified in the bylaws for members to contest board decisions about recognizing and disbanding sections and chapters)]
  • Question about [Link removed (why the Section Council and Chapter Council chair-elect positions are to be removed)]
  • Requests from several members asking that non-gender-specific language be used in the bylaws document
  • Question asking [Link removed (how the proposed bylaws changes affect section bylaws)]

The bylaws and special rules of order will be discussed and voted on at the business meeting in Toronto, Tuesday, May 17, 9-10:25 am. We encourage you to bring up your questions and comments before this meeting to allow for thorough consideration.

We are using the bylaws forum to engage members in pre-annual meeting discussion of issues that are important to you. In addition, we will be hosting an open forum for discussion of the bylaws on Sunday, May 15, 4:30-5:25 pm in Toronto. The work we do ahead of time will contribute to an efficient and smooth discussion and vote at the business meeting.  

Visit the forum often and continue to post your comments and suggestions on these and other issues. We encourage you to participate in the discussion and attend the business meeting. Your voice counts!  

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