Chapter News: PNC/MLA Statement in Support of the AAPI Community: #StopAsianHate

This statement reflects the opinion of the Pacific Northwest Chapter of MLA, and does not necessarily reflect the official position of the Medical Library Association (MLA).


In light of recent events, the Pacific Northwest Chapter/Medical Library Association (PNC/MLA) Group recognizes and strongly condemns anti-Asian hate crimes that have spread across our country over the past year. The PNC/MLA Group aligns itself and affirms the Asian Pacific American Librarians Association’s (APALA) recent statement that condemns the increase in anti-Asian hate crimes across America in the last year.

PNC/MLA stands in solidarity with our Asian, Asian American, and Pacific Islander (AAPI) communities. We encourage our library community to stand with the AAPI community by publicly condemning anti-AAPI racism through action. The PNC/MLA group highly recommends these resources compiled by the APALA. 

In Solidarity,

PNC/MLA Diversity Committee