Exciting news for MLA ’23! SLA Will Be Meeting Collaborator
You may have heard about this great news at our MLA ’23 Invitation Open House or an email I recently sent- but we’ve been sharing a lot of information with you lately. So in case you missed it, or haven’t been able to take it all in, I wanted to share a special piece of news again.
I am delighted to share that the Special Libraries Association (SLA) will be collaborating with us on our 2023 conference.
As your leaders, the Board and I want you to have exciting MLA ’23 sessions that not only showcase our health sciences peers, but also help us broaden our knowledge and strengthen our success as librarians. This is why we unanimously approved a motion at yesterday’s Board meeting to collaborate with SLA for MLA ’23, which will be held May 16-19 in Detroit, Michigan. Their participation in our conference is in place of their own annual meeting.
This means you’ll have access to sessions on topics that transcend medical librarianship, like leadership and management. It means giving us the chance to network with colleagues who face similar challenges in different settings.
Your MLA ’23 conference experience will be enriched by contributed content from SLA members, additional special content programming that MLA and SLA will jointly develop, and broader community engagement opportunities. We are excited by this opportunity—and, if the numerous heart, applause and celebration emojis we saw during the announcement at the open forum are any indication, this news is exciting to you, too!
We’ll provide you with more details in the next few weeks. Please join me in welcoming our SLA colleagues and making them feel welcome at MLA ’23 in Detroit.
Oh- and if you’re ready to begin submitting your abstract, the submission portal is open now- until October 13. Visit here to get started!