Follow-up to MLA ’17: Dream Dare Do Focus on “Clinical Rounding”

zsclqtws.orig.jpgEditor’s note: Over the next few issues of the MLA News, we will recap some of the content and sessions presented at MLA ’17: Dream Dare Do, held in Seattle, WA. Our hope is that a brief overview of some of these sessions, technology showcases, posters, lightning talks, and more might continue some dialogue in this space, raise questions, or at least help you decipher those notes you scribbled during a presentation.

The first recap occurs in this release, and focuses on the broad content topic of “Clinical Rounding.” Moderator, Angela Spencer, MLA News Hospital Librarianship column editor, provides these notes from the session on Monday, May 29, “Clinical Rounding: Tips from the Field,” featuring nine speakers. The content below is taken directly from Spencer’s notes, and your own comments and questions are welcome. Please use the [Link removed (blog link)] to comment.

Kristy Steigerwalt, Health Sciences Library, University of Missouri–Kansas City (UMKC), talked about the history of the clinical medical librarian program and training. She talked about Gertrude Lamb, the pioneer who started the clinical medical librarianship program at UMKC in 1971. She also mentioned what the library does for training and that a lot was learned by doing.

Jonathan Hartmann, Dahlgren Memorial Library, Georgetown University, Washington, DC, talked about being an informationist and the similarities to clinical medical librarianship. He also discussed the program at Georgetown and some of the tools and resources they use, including diagnostic decision support and text-mining of full-text articles.

Christine Caufield-Noll, AHIP, Harrison Medical Library, Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, Baltimore, MD, talked about the differences in rounding in the intensive care unit and the medical floor.

Kristen DeSanto, AHIP, Health Sciences Library, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus–Aurora, discussed the differences in rounding in internal medicine and family medicine. She talked about rounding with a team and gave statistics on how many questions they have answered, how many rounding sessions they have done, and what the top three most searched for items were.

Tracy C. Shields, AHIP, Library Services, Naval Medical Center Portsmouth, Portsmouth, VA, shared her experiences in rounding with inpatient pediatrics and psychiatry. She discussed the need to be a “safe space” for people to ask questions and how the relationships formed with providers on rounds can have wider impacts.

Patricia Wynne, Scott Memorial Library, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA, talked about how her library is using Twitter for rounding. Attending physicians post questions, and students and librarians respond via Twitter. She gave examples of questions they have received and the librarian’s responses.

Judy C. Stribling, AHIP, Samuel J. Wood Library @ C.V. Starr Biomedical Information Center, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, NY, discussed her team’s participation in consumer health rounds on a pediatric unit and detailed some of the interactions that the team has had while working with pediatric patients and families.

Elizabeth Stellrecht, Health Sciences Library, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, is a clinical dental librarian and is on-call in a predoctoral dental clinic. She discussed how she created this new model and why, plus some of the successes and challenges of the new role.

Elizabeth Laera, AHIP, McMahon-Sibley Medical Library, Brookwood Baptist Health, Birmingham, AL, talked about the reasons why to evaluate a rounding program, as well as different methods of evaluation, and shared some personal evaluation experiences.

Spencer concludes her notes with these observations:

I, personally, was interested in rounding. I had started rounding in the ICU, but was wondering if I was doing it effectively. I wanted to get ideas on training, evaluation, and just different ways that librarians round. This session was to provide a broad overview of what librarians do on rounds, challenges, getting started, and unique ideas. (For example, I love the idea of [using] Twitter, but can’t do that at my hospital easily). The session made me aware that there is not much training available for rounding and most librarians just do it “by the seat of their pants,” so [I was] wondering if we need to develop a toolkit or resources for “getting started in rounding.”

What other sessions related to clinical rounding did you attend?

  • “Using Evidence to Inform Practice: The Solution at Point of Care, Point of Reference, and Point of Learning” (Sunrise Seminar on Sunday, May 28)? OR
  • “Daring to Work on the Front Lines as a Clinical Librarian” (Program Session 3 on Monday, May 29)? OR
  • “Evaluating and Choosing a Point-of-Care Tool for Your Library” (Lightning Talk on Sunday, May 28)?

Did you view any posters on the topic, such as:

  • #42: “Can I Get a Visual? The Impact of the New Clinical Informationist Program?,” Jonna Peterson, Karen Gutzman, and Corinne H. Miller
  • #99: “Why Are Liaison Librarians So Busy?,” Chun-Ching Liang, Chris Hwang, Yi-Hsin Lu, Ying-Fong Jheng, and Chen-jung Huang
  • #157: “Clinical Apps: Gateway to Accessing and Assessing Health Information,” Margaret A. Hoogland, AHIP

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