Join Us for Diving into Data Services and the Data Services Specialization, Level II: A Free Webinar

We are excited to offer a webinar by Lisa Federer, PhD, a leading expert on data services and the chair of the group that created the Data Services Specialization (DSS). The webinar is free to MLA members and any other librarians interested in developing data services skills. Whether or not you’ve already earned your Level I certificate or taken any DSS offerings, the webinar will be of value to you.

Lisa’s webinar celebrates the launch of the Level II Data Services Specialization (DSS) and the DSS Level II Pathway. The Pathway will offer a discount on all the courses and more that you need to earn a Level II DSS certificate. 

After Lisa’s one-hour guide to getting started on Data Services, members of the DSS workgroup will present briefly on the DSS Level II and answer questions about the DSS.

Diving into Data Services: A Guide to Getting Started

With research funders and publications increasingly requiring plans for data management and sharing, researchers, faculty, and students are feeling the heat when it comes to learning new skills and identifying campus partners who can assist. Many libraries have begun offering data services and play key roles in helping researchers at their institutions ensure that their data is well managed and shared appropriately.

If you’ve been thinking about taking the plunge with data services, but aren’t sure about jumping into the deep end, this webinar is for you! We’ll provide an overview of how to kick start your data services program, from the initial planning stages through program evaluation, giving you tools to help you succeed in developing and growing your library’s data services program. Whether you’re a total newbie or a data maven, this webinar will give you tips to help you turn your library into an oasis for researchers looking for help with their data challenges.

 In this webinar, you’ll learn how to:

  • Apply strategic planning frameworks to identify the most pressing needs at your institution and opportunities for the library to contribute
  • Identify campus partners and develop strategic relationships
  • Design pilot programs to iteratively develop and scale your data services program
  • Create a communications plan to get the word out about your new services
  • Develop approaches to evaluation that will ensure that services are successful and provide opportunities for continuous improvement.