Learning through Networking

One of my favorite ways to learn is through networking and MLA ’17 has offered lot’s of opportunities to do just that. At each event I’ve been able to talk to colleagues and make new connections. These are invaluable chances for me to meet other librarians who share my interests. I’ve been able to learn about how they are doing things in their libraries and how they deal with some of the same problems or issues I face. 

In some cases we have exchanged information so that we can talk more in the future. Who knows what will come out of some of these new connections? I may learn something new or I might find a new mentor. Perhaps I’ll find a collaborator for a future project. Maybe I’ll be able to offer help or guidance to someone else. It’s hard to tell where these connections will lead. However, I do know that I will do my best to follow up on these connections. I hope that I will be able to learn from their experience so that I can be a more effective librarian. 

Our colleagues are one of our greatest resources. By sharing our experience and wisdom, we all benefit. Make sure you make some new connections before MLA ’17 ends!