Librarians without Borders® Train the Trainers Report Jordan: December 5-8, 2016

Amman, Jordan (December 5-8, 2016)

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Technical Report: Capacity Building on Hinari Access for Health Programmes “Training of Trainers”: Sub-Regional Training Workshop


Mr. Hatem Nour El-Din, Technical Officer, Knowledge Sharing and Production, WHO/EMRO

Professor Lenny Rhine, Librarians without Borders/Medical Library Association, USA


  • Introduce participants to different information resources provided by Hinari Access for Health in particular and Researh4life programmes in general;
  • Train participants on access and better utilization of Hinari Access for Health electronic resources;
  • Prepare participants to regularly conduct similar workshops in their respective institutions/countries.

Executive Summary

Hinari Programme set up by WHO together with major publishers, enables low- and middle- income countries to gain access to one of the world’s largest collections of biomedical and health literature. Up to 15,000 journals, up to 47,000 e-books and up to 100 other information resources are now available to health institutions in more than 100 countries benefiting many thousands of health workers and researchers worldwide, and in turn, contributing to improve world health. In EMR, more than 1500 institutions from 12 countries are eligible to access to Hinari programme, either free of charge or at affordable cost. However, two major factors contribute to better utilization of the HINARI resources: (1) Internet access and (2) capacity building. Therefore, capacity building and outreach are critical components of the HINARI programme to ensure that the HINARI portal is fully utilized by health care professionals, researchers, academics, librarians…etc. at the national level.

A four day sub-regional training workshop “Training of Trainers” on Hinari access for Health Programme was conducted at the WHO Office Amman, Jordan, from 5-8 December, 2016.  The workshop was supported by the WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean (EMRO) and the Librarians Without Borders®/Medical Library Association (LWB). Ten participants from 5 eligible Asia countries (Afghanistan, Jordan, Iraq, Palestine and Yemen) attended this sub-regional workshop were divided between Ministry of Health and WHO Country Office staff. Extensive hands-on work during the training familiarized the participants with these valuable tools. Search strategies were explained thoroughly and practiced throughout the workshop. Advice was given on how to hold a HINARI training workshop in the participants’ respective institutions in order to share and spread the acquired knowledge. All HINARI’s modules were covered and participants have made their practical exercises successfully. The principal modules were searching skills, evaluation of health information on the Internet, health resources on the Internet, HINARI website, HINARI/PubMed (website, filters, history, and advanced search), MY NCBI accounts, e-books resources for HINARI users and evidence-based practice resources for HINARI users. Printed handouts of HINARI’s training modules and workbooks in Arabic and English were provided to all participants. Each participant was provided with a laptop with full internet access. The training room well equipped and the Internet access reliable with sufficient bandwidth to complete all the exercises.

The workshop was formally evaluated in addition to the after action review. Participants expressed high satisfaction with all aspects of the workshop.  The participants completed post-workshop surveys, almost all the participants ‘agreed’ that the workshop was well organized, had relevant material with useful ‘hands-on’ exercises, that the trainers were knowledgeable/organized, effective presenters and responsive to questions and that the workshop resulted in their obtaining useful knowledge and skills.  According to the participants, major strengths of the workshop included Demos/Hands on, Information gained, Networking and Support materials.  There were a significantly broader reply to the length of the workshop being adequate with less than half the participants replying ‘agree’ and the other half ‘somewhat agree’ and ‘somewhat disagree’, a copy of the survey results analysis is attached. On the third day of the training workshop, the elected RD met with the participants in the training room during his visit to WHO Office Jordan. He expressed his continued support and encouragement for such capacity building activities in the future.

Financial Report

The total amount allocated and paid by HQ for the Capacity Building on HINARI Access for Health Sub-Regional TOT training workshop, 5-8 December 2016, Amman Jordan, was 4,996 USD with the following breakdown:

  • Directly paid: the perdiem of Mr. Lenny 1,836 USD;
  • Transfer through expenditure batch to KSP work plan: 3,160 USD, and this amount is disbursed as follows:
    • 847 USD for laptops rental ;
    • 734 USD for catering (Coffee and lunch breaks) ;
    • 1,579 USD to partially cover perdiem of Mr Hatem Nour El Din


Four-day programme of this Train the Trainers Workshop