Making the Case to Attend MLA? We have a ____ for that!

Do you want to go to MLA ’18, but aren’t sure how to convince your administration? Here are some points to consider:

Relevant Papers & Posters

MLA is the premier meeting for health sciences librarianship in all its forms and settings. Need examples of how to make library instruction more engaging? We have a program for that!


You’ll find colleagues facing the unique challenges you face. Need to meet hospital librarians dealing with tight budgets? We have a section for that!


MLA’s exhibit hall includes a wide variety of vendors focusing on medical libraries. Need to learn about new product features or examine resources for academic programs? We have lots of vendors for that!

Continuing Education

MLA’s diverse CE courses reflect the changing competencies for medical librarians. Need to learn a new skill or brush up on existing skills? We have a course for that!

The Big Picture

This year’s speakers include former US Surgeon General Dr. David Satcher, the National Institutes of Health’s Dr. Dara Richardson-Heron, and MIT author William Powers. Need some inspiration? We have a speaker for that!

A few final suggestions to consider:

  • Connect the dots; show how what you learn will help your institution achieve specific goals.
  • Link what you will learn to specific library functions, including teaching, collections, management, or services.
  • Offer to do presentations for colleagues about the new technologies, methods, and ideas you encounter.
  • Discuss your cost control efforts, such as a sharing room, using public transportation, and eating free food!

See you at MLA ’18 in Atlanta!!