Medical Library Education: Celebrating Health Sciences Libraries!

Medical library education—and all forms of librarianship really—revolve around, as well as depend upon, the universal goodwill of core stakeholders to help foster positive patron perception of the library as a place for both learning and for information resources. For the academic health sciences librarian, “core stakeholders” translates primarily to mean university faculty and overarching university authorities, including funding entities. For all the library administrators, librarians, and library personnel—inside and outside academia—who are promoting and recognizing their libraries to crucial stakeholders and others in observance of National Medical Librarians Month (NMLM), MLA’s MEDLIB-L email discussion list offers up a smorgasbord of clever ideas and possibilities.

NMLM is celebrated annually during the month of October. Below is a roundup of some of nifty and creative suggestions recently lifted from the aforementioned email discussion list. By the way, MLA members have access to a host of helpful, informative, and instructive discussion groups in addition to a handful of electronic email discussion lists. To find out more about the hospital email discussion list or to join an MLA caucus, visit Public Communities or MLA Communities, respectively.

Balloons: Use balloons in a fun and a positive way to draw eyes to an advertisement or to spice up an activity, an event, or a reception.

Booths and Tables: Set up a booth or a table in a busy area teeming with potential patrons. If the people do not come to the library, take the library to the people!

Cards and Notes: Handwritten notes or cards are always welcome for the thought and the effort involved in the writing process. Creating unique cards or messages can personalize a thought and turn an event into something a little bit more.

Catchy optics: Use eye-catching posters, videos, and so on to market your library’s resources and events to patron groups. If your library, for instance, owns a large-format or a 3D printer, use either or both to craft promotional materials that advertise not only the library, but also the specified printing service.

Contests and Raffles: Use second-screen technology, beacon technology, old-school technology, or no technology to design zany contests and raffles that capture the funny-bone or the imagination of library users.

Designate a Day: Make up a “Visit Your Library Day” or a “Library Fun Day” or…well, you get the picture. Designated days can intrigue as well as inspire patrons!

Games: Use well-known, uncomplicated games to get people into—and to get them interested in—your library. Do not be afraid to institute an online, an in-person, or a hybrid online and in-person scavenger hunt, trivia contest, and so on in the library.

Information or Resource Kits: Put together kits or bags with helpful materials such as bookmarks, informational cards, and so on.

Refreshments: Use food or drink to attract library consumers. The lure of a forbidden snack or a timely treat can be an irresistible—and a shameless—means of drawing live bodies to an event!

Selfies: Use the selfie craze to your best advantage. For example, create library-themed backdrops or booths for personal pictures or photo ops to use in conjunction with internal or external events.

Swag: Use library-themed doodads to make up grab-bags, prizes, or free giveaways. Better yet, if the library has access to items that happen to sport the library brand or logo, use this merchandise to promote, promote, promote!

National Medical Librarians Month is the perfect time to get the word and the welcome out to your patrons about library services and resources. Above all, remember to be creative, and do not hesitate to raid the Internet for ideas that can be adapted to promote your event or library. Make your library a welcoming and a welcome space for the fullest possible contingent of library users.

Find the 2019 NMLM poster on MLANET.