MLA ‘22 Annual Meeting and JMLA Biannual Research Caucus Research Awards

Congratulations to the award-winning research papers and posters from MLA ’22 Hybrid as well as the biannual JMLA Research Paper winner!

The MLA Research Caucus is pleased to announce the winners for the best research papers and posters presented at the MLA 2022 Hybrid Meeting. Thank you to all the judges who volunteered their expertise to help select these deserving awardees both in the pre-judging phase and during the conference. To learn more about the awards and selection process, visit the Research Caucus website.

JMLA Biannual Research Article Award

Exploring data management content in doctoral nursing handbooks.
Authors: Rebecca Raszewski, Abigail H. Goben, Martha Dewey Bergren, Krista Jones, Catherine Ryan, Alana Steffen, Susan C. Vonderheid.

Citation: Raszewski, R., Goben, A. H., Bergren, M. D., Jones, K., Ryan, C., Steffen, A., & Vonderheid, S. C. (2021). Exploring data management content in doctoral nursing handbooks. Journal of the Medical Library Association: JMLA, 109(2), 248–257.

MLA ’22 Annual Meeting Contributed Paper Awards

1st PlaceAdapting the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Countries’ Geographic Search Filters (MEDLINE and Embase, Ovid): Developing Low-and Middle-income Countries’ (LMIC) Filters.
Author: Lynda Ayiku, Information Specialist. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), Manchester, England, United Kingdom.

2nd Place – Beyond the Conference: Health Sciences Librarians’ Motivations for Publishing.
Author: Rachel J. Hinrichs, Health Sciences Librarian. IUPUI University Library, Indianapolis, Indiana.

3rd Place – Analyzing changes in work-from-home policies for academic medical & health sciences librarians.
Authors: David Peterson, Assistant Professor, Research & Learning Services Librarian. Preston Medical Library, Knoxville, Tennessee. Matthew Covey, University Librarian. The Rita and Frits Markus Library at Rockefeller University, New York, New York. Janet Crum, Director. Health Sciences Library, Tucson, Arizona.

MLA ’22 Annual Meeting Contributed Poster Awards

1st Place – LGBTQ+ health research guides: A cross-institutional pilot study of usage patterns. Gregg A. Stevens, Manager of Education and Clinical Services. Lamar Soutter Library, University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School, Worchester, Massachusetts. Francisco J. Fajardo, Information & Instruction Services Librarian. Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine Medical Library, Miami, Florida. Martin Morris, Associate Librarian. Schulich Library of Physical Sciences, Life Sciences, and Engineering, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Jessica Berry, Technical Services Librarian. Kansas City University, Kansas City, Missouri. Robin M. N. Parker, Evidence Synthesis Librarian. Dalhousie Libraries, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Katie D. McLean, Librarian Educator. Nova Scotia Health, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.

2nd Place – News Coverage of Public Health Research: An Exploratory Study of Topics, Coverage, and Open Access Status. Mirian Ramirez, Research Metrics Librarian. Ruth Lilly Medical Library, Indianapolis, Indiana. Rachel J. Hinrichs, Health Sciences Librarian. IUPUI University Library, Indianapolis, Indiana.

3rd Place – Cyberchondria and Health Information Seeking: A Scoping Review. Amber Burtis, Assessment & User Experience Librarian. Susan Howell, Cataloging and Metadata Librarian. Southern Illinois University. Carbondale, Illinois.