My New Orleans: Jennifer Lloyd

About the “My New Orleans” Blog Series:

MLA Members in New Orleans would like to highlight the city of New Orleans, its culture, and attractions. This blog series aims to share interesting places to visit and things to do while visiting the city for MLA.

Introduce yourself. (Your name, your position, and where you work) :

Jennifer Lloyd, Associate Director, LSUHSC New Orleans Libraries 

What brought you to New Orleans?

Born and raised. My Mom’s family can be traced back to ships arriving from France between 1718-1720.

New Orleans was chosen to be a pilot site by the NIH’s All of Us initiative due to the diversity of the city’s population. How can MLA 2022 attendees learn more and/or experience the city’s diversity during a short visit to New Orleans?

Learn more about the history of the city. 

Do you have any other recommendations or advice for MLA attendees who are visiting New Orleans for the first time?

Walking culinary tour or Save our Cemetery tour or tour one of the historic homes in the city. 

New Orleans Favorites

Local food item? At the moment? King Cake

Restaurant? Gabrielle’s

Museum or historical site? New Orleans Museum of Art

Place to buy coffee or tea? Rook (my neighborhood spot)

Local retail business? Fi Fi Mahony’s

Neighborhood/area of the city? Uptown

New Orleans festival? Is Mardi Gras a festival?

Place to go out and relax? Audubon or City Park

King Cake Monster and Jennifer the morning of Mardi Gras 2015.

King Cake Monster and Jennifer on Mardi Gras morning 2015.

Great Bird of Carnival.jpg

Jennifer and her mother during Mardi Gras 2017.


Photos courtesy of Jennifer Lloyd, copyright 2022.