New Artificial Intelligence Caucus

Submitted by: Dede Rios, MLA Community Council Chair

We are pleased to announce that there is a new MLA Caucus to celebrate and join: the Artificial Intelligence Caucus! This new caucus will build on the foundation established by the MLA Artificial Intelligence Imperative and MLA 2024 AI Summit, creating an inclusive space to explore, engage, and learn about artificial intelligence.

To get things going, Taneya Koonce, from the Center for Knowledge Management (CKM) at Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC), will initially serve as caucus chair and will officially run for chair in upcoming caucus elections. Mallory Blasingame from CKM at VUMC, will also run on the same ballot to serve as chair-elect. Other MLA members are also welcome to run for office.

This Artificial Intelligence Caucus aims to help members:

  • keep pace with this rapidly changing field of artificial intelligence through discussion;
  • learn how we can apply AI to our existing services; and
  • create new services appropriately, ethically, and safely in our libraries, information centers, and beyond.

We look forward to you joining!

Note: submit your caucus election slate today!