New Year, New MLA News

Happy New Year! The beginning of a new year is an opportunity many take for a fresh start, new beginning, or change in direction. I am excited to welcome you to this fresh start, new beginning, and [slight] change in direction for the MLA News!

As announced in the November/December issue of the MLA News, that issue was the last print edition. Today marks the roll out of the all-digital format. The decision by MLA to move to an all-digital format was made with the intention of providing relevant news and information in a timely manner, quickly and easily. The “new” MLA News features a wider range of content and an improved online reader interface. The expanded MLA News integrates existing content with content from MLA headquarter blogs, such as Full Speed Ahead, advocacy, jobs, Librarians without Borders®, oral histories, annual meeting, and more. The all-digital edition remains a free benefit of MLA membership.

The new platform will also allow parts of the MLA News to be viewed by the general public and some of the latest news items to be viewed by members without being logged in. In the public view, articles in blogs that are set to be public will be visible. This also means that the public view of the MLANET home page will be modified to display those aspects of the MLA News that are public. This is a great new beginning!

Please take some time to explore the refreshed member login home page, with the MLA News holding a prominent place front and center! Then, take time to explore the news and featured articles. Our hope is that you will find what you are looking for quickly and with fewer “clicks.” Much of the content that you frequently access will be available with just one click from the home page. Finally, take a look at the left sidebar to find links to regular MLA News columns. While some of your favorite columns may be nested under a larger heading, the content is there—or will be in an upcoming issue! Our goal is to release fresh content twice each month, since the concept of “issues” will no longer be appropriate. New content will be available on the fifteenth and thirtieth of each month.

This change of direction would not be possible without the commitment of the MLA News editorial team. I thank my entire team for their work in both writing and soliciting articles. We are always looking for submissions for the various columns. Look for more information soon about how to submit ideas and/or articles for publication. Thanks also to Martha Lara, managing editor, and Susan C. T. Talmage, copy editor, at MLA headquarters for their work in getting the content posted for all of us to read! We are still working to understand fully how all of this will work as an integrated whole but are committed to providing you with the best information possible in a timely manner that supports your work, your profession, and your organization.

Happy reading!