Official Meeting Blogger: Laugh-out-loud moments

Charlie Chaplin has been credited with saying, “A day without laughter is a day wasted.”  I live by this quote. So, the adventure I chose focused on finding the “funny” at MLA’19.  

Though I may not be quoting perfectly, please know I aimed to capture the spirit of laugh-out-loud lines I heard.

From New Member/First-Time Attendee breakfast Keynote speech, Day 1 – MJ Tooey:

  • “Met any plumbers?” One of many suggested questions to ask when initiating conversations during MLA’19.
  • “There will be no pushing and shoving.  We eliminated the strange initiation rights last year.” On the three-minute “speed-dating” event to meet people.

Noyes award speech, Day 1 Plenary – MJ Tooey:

  • “The Noyes award requires an amount of dignity and respect, but why start now?”
  • “Oh, a potato chip bowl!”  When presented with a silver bowl for the Noyes award.

Presidential address, Day 1 Plenary – Beverly Murphy:

  • “Leverage what you know. Realize what you don’t know and fill in the gaps with chocolate.”

Janet Doe Lecture, Day 2 Plenary – Jerry Perry

  • “I am Santa in Sequins.” Jerry Perry appearing in a sparkly jacket.
  • “I have two David Bowie tattoos which is maybe more information than you want.”

[Link removed (Find all MLA ’19 Elevate blog posts here)]

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