Running (or Walking) Toronto

Source: Waterfront Trail Zone 2

Although the Mosaic’16 Local Assistance Commitee proposed running trails in a previous post, Co-Chair Vanessa Kitchin confirmed that there are no official walks or runs planned during the meeting. No worries! As running or walking with a bunch of health librarians is a fun activity, here is a meeting suggestion. If you plan to show up, just enter a comment below.

  • WHEN?: Sunday, May 15th, at 7:00 AM
  • WHERE?: Fairmont Royal York main lobby (look out for giddy MedLibs and CanMedLibs in colorful sneakers)
  • HOW FAR WILL WE GO?: Walkers will determine Sunday morning where the walk will take them. Runners may discuss the distance they wish to cover and group accordingly. Leaving the hotel (*), I suggest going South on York, then East on the Waterfront Trail; there is currently construction in the downtown area, but we should manage as there are large sidewalks on Queen’s Quay. Going to Queen’s Wharf Lighthouse (*) and return is about 5 km; going to Marilyn Bell Park (*) and return is about 10 km.

Hope to see you there!