Shaping the Future: Rising Stars Survey on Leadership in Health Sciences Libraries
Submitted by: Angela Murrell
The 2024-2025 Rising Stars are conducting a research study of MLA members who self-identify as serving in leadership positions in health science libraries to survey what they see as the pressing needs for leaders in our profession. We are inviting current leaders of the profession to complete a brief survey.
Health sciences librarians are currently seeing a large shift in the workforce as many leaders are moving towards retirement, leaving leadership positions open to be filled with new leaders educated with MLA leadership offerings. As the organization looks to the future, they need to focus on providing the best educational offerings developed with librarians in mind. This study aims to investigate the pressing needs for leaders in our profession and how those needs will shape the future leaders in the profession of health sciences librarianship.
Our aim is to use the data collected in this survey to provide an overview of the important issues facing leaders in health sciences libraries and make recommendations for providing leader training and educational opportunities through MLA.
This study will use a mixed-methods design to qualitatively and quantitatively analyze the attitudes and perceptions of MLA members in leadership positions toward the needs for leadership development and how these needs inform a better future. There will be a descriptive analysis of survey responses. Qualitative data will be reviewed by researchers for common themes and sub-themes.
The survey will run from January 30 through March 3, 2025. To participate in the survey, please use this Qualtrics survey link, which includes 15 questions and should take between 10-20 minutes.