Sneak Peek: Your Board at Work

This week, the MLA Board did its first semi-annual evaluation of the strategic goals adopted in spring 2015. The consensus? We’ve come a long way, with plenty more “way” to go. 

What MLA Does: Rationalize MLA programs and services, and streamline and clarify organizational structure.

Several key strategies in this area have been successfully accomplished, like evaluating annual meeting offerings and providing new tools for section and SIG interactions. Others are well on their way, such as recommendations for bylaws revisions.

New Professionals: Align MLA programs, services, and governance with new professional member needs and expectations

After careful consideration, the board decided that the objectives of this goal could be best accomplished through integration into goals like education, as well as through headquarters work like improved marketing. The board voted to retire this goal.

Education Goal: Strengthen MLA’s educational curriculum and offerings

Director of education Barry Grant facilitated a multi-hour discussion on education on Tuesday (he’s recovering well). You’ll hear much more about this goal very soon!

MLA Technology: Rationalize and transform MLA information and communication systems.

This goal is on track to be accomplished in a record one year (yes, we only have one year of measurement so far—still pretty impressive, no?) We’ve improved headquarters internal technologies, and the MLA website and association management system have been combined into one integrated platform, simplifying our IT infrastructure and saving money to boot.

The last major piece of this goal (implementing a new learning management system) is due to be completed by the May annual meeting.

Research: Support and advance health information research and evidence-based practices in healthcare by developing and implementing strategies to improve the research skills and competencies of health sciences librarians, grow the body of health information knowledge, provide better access to research that supports evidence-based practice, and advocate to employers, members, and the public the value, impact, and benefits of health sciences libraries and librarians

The Research Imperative Task Force, led by chair Susan Lessick, is working on projects that use evidence-based research to champion the roles of librarians.

The Future

With goal 2 retired and the accomplishment of goal 4 imminent, the Board also discussed new goals to roll on in May. One possibility centers on clarifying and expanding MLA’s international activities. Another would focus on MLA units (sections and chapters), building on the work that many sections are doing to act more strategically to increase their effectiveness and value to members. 

Look for much more to come on these goals in the next few months!
