So Many Good Posters – Canadian Colleagues

Good morning, everyone!  The poster sessions for Monday and Tuesday were well attended.  Several posters are on display in Exhibit Hall A.  In poster session 2, I learned about how our Canadian colleagues, Susan Baer, Amy Weisgarber, Michelle Dalidowicz and Robyn Hocking, are implementing a journal club online for clinicians. Very interesting work.  I encourage you to take time to view the posters from our Canadian counterparts this year.  We have a great opportunity to share ideas and learn from one another at this annual meeting.

You can find the poster titles and authors listed on page 44-52 of the Official Mosaic 2016 Program to see the full list of titles, topics and authors.  If you have a particular research or service project interest, you may find future collaborators or at least met people pursuing the same type of projects. 

Robyn Hocking and Susan Baer gave permission to take and use this photo of them and their poster for this blog.

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Kerry Dhakal