Members of the health sciences library community are encouraged to contact your Senators and urge them to oppose the CASE Act, The Copyright Alternative in Small-Claims Enforcement Act of 2019, (S. 1273).  Help them understand how the bill would harm libraries and our users.


The CASE Act (S.1273) is expected to be marked up on Thursday, July 18 in the Senate Judiciary Committee. CASE would change copyright enforcement in the United States by creating a new Copyright Claims Board within the U.S. Copyright Office. Concerns with the legislation include the excessive statutory damages that would be imposed, and the lack of judicial review of Board decisions, meaning accused infringers would not be protected against meritless claims. To quote the Electronic Frontier Foundation, “The CASE Act doesn’t fix the problems of copyright, it just gives new tools to copyright trolls.”

How the Case Act would harm libraries and their users

Fair copyright policy is essential to the communities of educators, scholars, and students that health sciences libraries serve. While CASE attempts to address online copyright infringement, the remedy it proposes would do more harm than good. For a more detailed discussion of CASE and its implications, please visit:

Communication tips:

Please contact your Senator via fax, phone, or email by July 21st.  Fax, email, or phone calls work best.

  • Identify yourself as a constituent and ask to speak with the Senator’s copyright/intellectual property Legislative Assistant.
  • Tell the aide that you are a health sciences librarian who understands and benefits of public access to health and science information.
  • Ask the senator to oppose S. 1273, “CASE Act” (Copyright Alternative in Small-Claims Enforcement Act of 2019).
  • Briefly explain why this legislation is important to you.
  • Give the aide your contact information and ask to be informed about the actions of the legislator on these key issues.