For the 990 form I use the winner’s work address. If a W9 needs to be completed then I put the home address on it.
Hope this helps – Jackie
Jackie Hittner, MA, MBA
Manager, Library
office 314.292.6542
401 N Lindbergh Blvd, St. Louis, MO 63141
http://www.aaoinfo.org http://www.aaoinfo.org
From: Karen L. Hanus, AHIP
Sent: Friday, October 27, 2023 9:55 AM
To: chap-treasurers@lists.mlanet.org
Subject: [chap-treasurers] – Address for award winners on 990
We’re sending our awards out now, so it’s a good time to gather the information we’ll need for our 990 form in a few months. Does anyone know if the address that we have to provide for the award winners must be their home address? Can it be their work address or any mailing address?
Karen Hanus
Midwest Chapter/MLA treasurer
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