Communities: Chapters
Membership in the 12 regional MLA-affiliated chapters is open to all MLA members and to other interested health sciences librarians and information specialists.
MLA chapters allow you to get involved in the profession close to home, with
- regional meetings (events calendar)
- networking opportunities
- continuing education courses
- newsletters
- blogs
- grants and scholarships
- other programs and services on a local level.
If you are not already a member, consider joining your local MLA chapter today! See links to chapter websites, geographic areas for each chapter, and information about chapter governance below.
MLA’s Chapter Council includes representatives from each chapter. The council serves in an advisory capacity to MLA’s Board of Directors, promotes interchange among chapters, and enables chapters to better define their role and function within the Association.
Chapter Websites
Links below open new windows or tabs.
- Hawaii-Pacific Chapter (HPC-MLA)
- Liberty Chapter (merged NY-NJ and Philadelphia Regional Chapters)
- Medical Library Group of Southern California and Arizona (MLGSCA)
- Mid-Atlantic Chapter (MAC)
- Midcontinental Chapter (MCMLA)
- Midwest Chapter
- North Atlantic Health Sciences Libraries, Inc. (NAHSL)
- Northern California and Nevada Medical Library Group (NCNMLG)
- Pacific Northwest Chapter of MLA (PNC)
- South Central Chapter (SCC)
- Southern Chapter (SC)
- Upstate New York and Ontario Chapter (UNYOC)