Citation Management for Systematic Reviews

Systematic reviews present unique citation management challenges. Andy Hickner and Kathryn Vanderboll, veterans of many systematic reviews, will show you how to select the right software for your review and successfully address the challenges.

Whether you are new to citation management software or have used or taught it to manage paper citations, systematic review citation management software will present you with unique challenges. Andy Hickner and Kathryn Vanderboll, multi-platform citation software users and collaborators on many reviews, will show you how to address the challenges of using the software on systematic reviews.

You’ll learn the pros and cons of a variety of free and subscription software and how to address common challenges, including:

  • Managing large numbers of citations with many duplicates
  • Using software with diverse teams
  • Exporting database results
  • Exporting to and from systematic review software 
  • Screening process considerations
  • Locating full texts
  • Documenting your process in order to satisfy PRISMA and other reporting requirements.

The workshop will include lecture, discussion questions, and self-assessment questions, and time for you to ask questions.

This course is required for Level I of the Systematic Review Services Specialization.


Medical librarians and other health information professionals who are involved in systematic reviews and other evidence syntheses. No experience with citation managers needed.

Learning Outcomes 

By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Critique commonly used citation management software on their usefulness for systematic reviews
  • Explain citation management software organization and documentation strategies for systematic reviews
  • Explain solutions to common problems when using citation management softwares for systematic reviews

MLA CE: 1.5


Andy Hickner is Education and Outreach Librarian at the Samuel J. Wood Library at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York, New York. Andy has 13 years of experience teaching and using a range of citation management software, with particular expertise in EndNote, Zotero, and Sciwheel. He has collaborated on over 20 evidence synthesis projects, published in journals, including the Lancet, the Journal of the American Medical Association, and the Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association

Kathryn Vanderboll is an Informationist at the Taubman Health Sciences Library at the University of Michigan. She has 10 years of experience using and teaching citation management software for use in many academic disciplines, with a particular focus on Zotero and EndNote. She is a team member on a number of ongoing evidence synthesis projects.

Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 4 Lessons
  • Course Certificate