Easy AI: Tools and Tips to Different Types of AI That Health Sciences Librarians Might Encounter

 For more information or to schedule this course, please contact Michelle Kraft <kraftm@ccf.org >.

Upcoming offering: September 25, 2024

Learners will be given a handout ahead of the class listing 3 different free AI programs that can be used. Each AI program will have tasks for learners to accomplish and contemplate the tools’ usage in the library workplace. Learners will then discuss the AI programs during the virtual class time.


This class is for librarians who are interested in learning the basics of AI programs. Learners may need to register for a free account to use the AI programs.

Learning Objectives

This class will discuss the differences between and brief history of AI systems and machine learning.

We will discuss some of the more popular AI’s in use in general day to day as well as those use in medical research.

Using a flipped classroom approach, attendees will be given links to several AI programs with the goal of experimenting prior to the class and then discussing their advantages and disadvantages during the class session. Afterwards attendees should be able to have a greater understanding of some important issues and considerations with AI systems as well as increased confidence in their use for different situations.


  • 20 min – Brief description of AI systems and history of AI and machine learning. -virtual online real time instruction
  • 30 min – Discussing opportunities and concerns with different AI systems. -virtual online real time instruction
  • 5 min break
  • 40 min – Discussion among the group of the advantages and disadvantages and other aspects of different the AI programs from the handout. – Based on handout that was given days before the class. Depending on size the discussion will be either one group online or broken into rooms with each room reporting at end of time
  • 20 min – Discuss ideas to get the librarian involved within the institution. – virtual online real time instruction.
  • 5 min – Final questions. – virtual real time either asked via audio or typed in chat

MLA CE Credits: 2

Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 3 Lessons
  • Course Certificate