Easy Steps to Building a Team-Based Systematic Review Service

It’s easy to build a systematic review service. . . if you have a team and the right model.

It takes a team of librarians and the right service model to provide a high quality systematic review service. In this webinar, you’ll learn how you can use a flexible systematic review service toolkit to create or upgrade a systematic review service based on your resources and researcher needs.

You’ll learn how to build your team, identify the review types and scope of review and education services you’ll offer, interview researchers to determine their knowledge gaps and needs, and design courses and training for researchers based on a comprehensive set of learning outcomes. Librarians at all levels can use the training resources to assess their skills to find their role on a team. You can use the materials to train staff.

You’ll leave with access to all the tools and materials presented in the webinar, so you can start to build a successful team-based systematic review service for your institution.

This webinar is required for Level II of the Systematic Review Services Specialization.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this webinar, participants will be able to:

  • Implement a team-based systematic review service using a customizable model
  • Conduct a systematic review reference interview using an intake form
  • Identify systematic review learning outcomes for researchers that librarians can support at varying levels of systematic review expertise


Medical librarians, health information professionals, and medical or health sciences library administrators who provide or plan to provide a systematic review service at an academic health sciences library.


Stephanie Roth, AHIP is a Biomedical & Research Services Librarian at Temple University Health Sciences Library in Philadelphia, PA. She has over 10 years of experience in systematic reviews. She has co-authored numerous systematic reviews and authored Transforming the Systematic Review Service, which describes a team-based systematic review service model she designed and implemented. She has taught systematic review courses for MLA and teaches one for Library Juice Academy.

MLA CE: 1.5

Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 4 Lessons
  • Course Certificate