Getting Better at Everything You Do: Reflective Practice for Health Sciences Librarians

Librarians want to get better at everything they do. . . in their jobs, career planning, and lives, but they often lack an intentional strategy to assess themselves and make plans to improve. Reflective practice fills this need.

No matter the type of librarian you are, your work environment, or how long you’ve been a librarian, bringing intentional reflection to your work and life will benefit you and your library. 

Getting Better at Everything You Do introduces you to a simple model of reflective practice and offers exercises that allow you to practice applying reflection in a variety of situations.

By the end of this course, you will be able to apply reflective practice to any aspect of your life you want to improve or change.

The course includes:

  • Scenarios you interact with to learn and practice skills
  • Pre- and post- course reflection exercises
  • A rich array of resources, guides, and worksheets that can help you deepen and expand your reflective practice

Learning Outcomes

After you have completed the course, you will be able to:

  • Explain reflective practice and meta-reflection
  • Apply reflective practices techniques to improve work- and career-related practice
  • Apply meta-reflection to evaluate the effectiveness of reflective practice


Health information professionals at any point in their career, in any work environment, at any level in an organization.

MLA CE Credits 1.5

Subject Matter Expert 

Jolene M. Miller, AHIP, is the Director of the Mulford Health Science Library and an Assistant Professor of Library Administration at the University of Toledo. She has worked in medical libraries for over 20 years, as a reference librarian and a library administrator. The complex realities of library administration forced her to look for new ways to manage her workload and develop the knowledge and skills needed for success. Reflective practice provided the time and space needed to develop as an administrator. She is the author of a number of papers, chapters, and presentations on reflective practice.

The team that created Getting Better at Everything You Do: Reflective Practice for Health Sciences Librarians

Jolene M. Miller, Subject Matter Expert

Mitch Modolfsky , Instructional Designer

Emily J. Hurst, MLA Health Information Professionalism Curriculum Committee Representative

Staff support:

Deb Cavanaugh, MLA Director, Professional Development

Barry Grant, MLA Director, Education

Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 3 Lessons
  • Course Certificate