Getting by With a Little Help from Your (Institutional Research) Friends: Building Relationships to Advance Data Support

Register for this webinar to learn how to grow and mature your data support program. Webinar approved for the MLA, Data Services Specialization.

Do you want to grow and mature your data support program? This interactive webinar will show you how to make friends (institutional partners) who can help you enhance and scale your current efforts. You’ll learn how to identify institutional stakeholders and their role in the research enterprise, identify gaps in support, and how to leverage the research environment to get the best results from your efforts.

You’ll leave the session with a list of possible partners, and a plan for approaching a possible partner.

This is a required core course or an elective for Level II of the Data Services Specialization. 

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this webinar, participants will be able to:

  • Evaluate existing institutional data services
  • Identify potential partners for enhancing data services
  • Develop a plan to work with potential partners to identify complementary goals
  • Modify existing data services for more efficient results


Anyone in libraries who provides, or wishes to provide, data support to academic researchers.


Amanda Rinehart is the Life Sciences Librarian at The Ohio State University and the author of a number of articles on data and data management. She supports the information needs of the life sciences and works with Open Educational Resources and affordable education. Prior to joining Ohio State. Amanda spent eleven years as a biologist with the USDA working on alternatives to an ozone-depleting substance.

Registration Information

  • Length: 1.5 hour recorded webinar
  • Technical information: After you have registered, go to My Learning in MEDLIB-ED to access the recorded webinar, resources, evaluation, and certificate.
  • Register, participate, and earn 1.5 MLA continuing education (CE) contact hours and 1.5 Illinois CNE contact hours.
Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 4 Lessons
  • Course Certificate