Librarians and Systematic Review Teams: Negotiating Roles and Recognition

Develop the communication skills essential to your career development and for working effectively with systematic review teams.

Negotiating roles and recognition on a review team is a challenge few librarians are prepared for. This webinar will help you rise to the challenge and develop the communication skills essential to your career development and for working effectively with systematic review teams.

You’ll gain strategies for communicating with teams in a variety of areas, including:

  • Assembling essential information, starting with the project requests
  • Maximizing the value of the initial team meeting
  • Educating review teams about your contribution
  • Setting expectations for librarian contribution, timelines, and recognition
  • Communicating during the project

You’ll learn from Jen’s and Heather’s knowledge and their combined 16 years of experience working on review teams. In-session practice applying strategies to real-world scenarios will help solidify your learning.

You’ll leave the webinar with a toolbox of resources, strategies, and tips and with increased confidence in negotiating your role and recognition in systematic review projects and getting projects back on track when communication goes awry.

This course is required for Level I of the Systematic Review Services Specialization.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this webinar, participants will be able to:

  • Identify sources outlining the roles of systematic review team members and recognizing librarian contributions
  • Describe levels of librarian involvement on a systematic review team
  • Describe strategies for setting expectations in the systematic review process
  • Choose strategies to improve negotiation and communication on a systematic review team


Any health information professionals, novice or experienced working with systematic review teams, who want to increase their confidence and improve their skills in negotiating their role and recognition in systematic review projects.


Jennifer DeBerg, MLS is a User Services Librarian at the Hardin Library for the Health Sciences at the University of Iowa Libraries. She has published findings of several projects related to assessment of user services and has been a regular contributor to a nursing EBP book focused on implementation science. Since 2010, Jen has been providing support for the systematic review service at her library, contributing to over 75 review projects. She has also been engaged in continuous assessment and quality improvement of the service. She is a co-author on 6 published reviews and has been formally acknowledged in over 30 review publications.

Heather Healy, MA, MLS, AHIP is a Clinical Education Librarian at the Hardin Library for the Health Sciences, University of Iowa where she is the librarian for the MD and PA students and works with the faculty and residents of many departments at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics. She has conducted searches for methods-based review projects since 2015 at her current and a prior institution. She has regularly contributed to the development and assessment of the systematic review service at Hardin Library and has published on this topic. She has co-authored 8 published systematic or scoping reviews and contributed to many others.

MLA CE: 1.5

Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 4 Lessons
  • Course Certificate