Picture This! Exploring Copyright Issues Through Image Use Case Studies

Enter the world of copyright law and issues, not through words, as most training does, but through images.

Erin Reardon, a medical school librarian, and Nancy Sims, a lawyer and university copyright program director, will open your eyes to the world of medical images copyright issues and deepen your understanding of copyright and fair use.

You’ll engage with image use case studies to explore basic copyright concepts, such as fair use and licensing, go deep into issues that arise when using images in research, teaching, and other communications, and learn about image sources that can make copyright decisions easier. Image copyright decisions can be especially challenging due to the complexity and flexibility of relevant law and rules.

If you are experienced with copyright, you may not be aware of copyright issues specific to image use. And, if you are new to copyright, learning about copyright image issues is a great way to learn about copyright law and to start to hone your copyright consulting skills.

You’ll leave the webinar with expanded understanding of copyright and image copyright issues, information on image sources, and new skills for communicating about complex copyright questions that don’t have clear answers.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this webinar, participants will be able to:

  • Identify categories of images for which copyright is not an issue in any use context
  • Identify licensed resources (open-licensed or subscription-based) that may be usable in specific professional contexts
  • Apply fair use considerations to image use cases for which there are no clear answers
  • Communicate clearly on complex copyright questions


Medical librarians and other health information professionals who work with images or advise faculty, students and others on copyright issues related to using images.


Erin Reardon is a Medical School Librarian at the University of Minnesota’s Health Sciences Library, where she provides instruction, information services, and research support to students, trainees, and faculty in the Medical School.

Nancy Sims is the Director of Copyright & Scholarly Communications at the University of Minnesota Libraries. Nancy is both an attorney and a librarian, with broad education, consultation and policy advocacy duties across the University.


Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 4 Lessons
  • Course Certificate