R for All of Us: Data Storytelling

For more information or to schedule this course, please contact the NNLM Training Office at nto@utah.edu .

Join us for an engaging five-hour visual storytelling workshop tailored for R coders of all proficiency levels, who are keen to merge their skills to craft compelling narratives through data visualization in R. Attendees will collaborate in groups, engaging in brainstorming sessions within pre-identified datasets (or bring your own!), to explore the data, ask meaningful questions, and create captivating plots to narrate a story hidden within the data.

Resource URLhttps://www.nnlm.gov/training/class-catalog/

Learning Objectives

1. Apply coding skills to explore new datasets (or new variables in datasets).

2. Develop meaningful questions of data and align those questions with the appropriate data (matching data to questions).

3. Apply visualization knowledge to create new plots.

4. Demonstrate how to code collaboratively as part of a team.

5. Report results of data exploration through presentation of data storytelling.

MLA CE Credits: 4

Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 2 Lessons
  • Course Certificate