Survey Design: Sampling, Implementation, and Analysis

Survey Design: Sampling, Implementation, and Analysis provides you with critical survey design skills in question writing and troubleshooting, pretesting survey instruments, identifying appropriate sampling methods, collecting feedback from respondents, improving survey completion rates, and analyzing responses. 

At the end of the course, you will be able to use survey questionnaires to obtain input from a target audience, answer a formal research question, gain insight into a phenomenon or issue, and successfully summarize your survey results. This course is a companion to Survey Design: Reporting and Displaying Survey Results.

The course includes:

  • A realistic scenario that you engage to learn and practice skills
  • Self-assessment of skills, pre and post
  • Recommended readings and resources
  • Five downloadable job aids
  • A practice exercise

Learning Outcomes

After you have completed the course, you will be able to:

  • Plan and implement a survey to answer a research question
  • Identify appropriate sampling methods 
  • Pretest and refine questionnaires
  • Collect feedback from survey respondents
  • Analyze survey results using appropriate descriptive statistics
  • Identify and avoid common errors in the survey process
  • Explain the role of IRB ethics approval in the survey process


Librarians, other information professionals, and students. Basic/introductory knowledge of survey questionnaire design is helpful but not required.

MLA CE Credits 1.5

 Subject Matter Expert 

Deborah H. Charbonneau is an Associate Professor in the School of Information Sciences at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan. She is an experienced researcher and has been an invited speaker on survey research at local, national, and international conferences. Her articles have appeared in Library & Information Science Research, Journal of the Medical Library Association, Health Information and Libraries Journal, Journal of Academic Librarianship, and Reference & User Services Quarterly. She is a member of the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE). Dr. Charbonneau currently teaches graduate-level courses in library management, health informatics, research methods, and information policy. She created the MLA Webinar Survey Success: 10 Essential Tips for Effective Survey Design (Recording).

The team that created Survey Design: Sampling, Implementation, and Analysis:

Deborah Charbonneau, Subject Matter Expert

Patti Bryant (, Instructional Designer

Caitlin Pike, MLA Information Management Curriculum Committee Representative

Staff support:

Deb Cavanaugh, MLA Director, Professional Development

Barry Grant, MLA Director, Education

Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 5 Lessons
  • Course Certificate