Systematic Searching: Improving Effectiveness and Efficiency

Struggling with the ever complicated systematic review searches, or want to start doing them? This webinar will give you guidance on how to create high quality searches in a faster way.

Are you struggling with ever-more complicated systematic review searches? Do you have a basic knowledge of Boolean operators, thesaurus terms, and syntax and want to raise your search game? This webinar will give you guidance on creating high-quality searches in a faster way. Bramer and associates have taught his method at several filled-to-capacity annual meeting courses.

This is a required course for Level I of the Systematic Review Services Specialization.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this webinar, participants will be able to:

  • identify important elements in the search
  • use the published method to create and optimize searches
  • use the shared macros to translate searches between databases


Participants should have basic knowledge of databases (boolean operators, thesaurus (MESH) terms, and syntax).


Wichor Bramer is an information specialist at the Erasmus Medical Center Medical Library in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. In October 2019, he successfully defended his doctoral (PhD) thesis, “Serving Evidence Syntheses: Improving Literature Retrieval in Systematic Reviews,” in which he describes his method and his research on the effectiveness and efficiency of the method.

MLA CE: 1.5

Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 4 Lessons
  • Course Certificate