Working with Research Partners to Coordinate Domain-Specific Data Services

Explore service examples, identify scientific research data challenges, and leave with checklists you can tailor to your community.

Librarians work with academic departments, research labs, information technology units, and other communities to provide data services. Once you have a partner, how can you coordinate services to help them develop research data practices that best serve their domain?

Coordinating services creates opportunities to implement domain-specific practices. Bringing together your library, archives, research computing, and academic departments enable solutions to challenges in the organization, sharing, and reproducibility of research data.

You’ll learn lessons from one medical school’s coordinated domain-specific research data management solutions that you can apply in your setting. You’ll see, for example, how a lab’s move to an electronic lab notebook platform required coordinated efforts among the academic department, tech support, and the library.

You’ll explore service examples, identify scientific research data challenges, and leave with checklists you can tailor to your community.

This course is an approved elective for the Level II Data Services Specialization.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the webinar, participants will be able to: 

  • Explain the importance of coordinated data services
  • Identify domain-specific research data practices
  • Tailor data services to local community needs

Special Note

This webinar is approved for the “under construction” Advanced Level of the Data Services Specialization. A Basic Level Data Services Specialization Certification is currently available.


Librarians and other health sciences professionals familiar with research data management and the academic research landscape who want to implement domain-specific support.


Julie Goldman is the Research Data Services Librarian at the Countway Library of Medicine, Harvard Medical School. Julie collaborates with members of the Harvard community on coordinating data services and partners with researchers in the sciences on data management practices throughout the research lifecycle.

Julie is the Project Manager for the Best Practices for Biomedical Research Data Management Canvas Network MOOC, an approved course for the basic Data Services Specialization. Prior to working at Harvard, Julie was the eScience Coordinator with the National Network of Libraries of Medicine, New England Region, at the University of Massachusetts Medical School where she focused on building research data education and resources for data librarians. She is also the Managing Editor for the Journal of eScience Librarianship (JeSLIB).

MLA CE: 1.5

Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 4 Lessons
  • Course Certificate