Capturing History Through the Lens of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Rethinking MLA’s Oral History Project
By Gregory Laynor, cochair, and Ansley Stuart, cochair, MLA Oral History Committee.Established in 1977, the MLA Oral History Project conducts and preserves interviews that help…
News from the NLM History of Medicine Division
NLM announces 2021 History Talks The first of the National Library of Medicine (NLM) 2021 History Talks will take place on February 11, 2021, at…
MLA InSight Initiative Fall Forum Future Possibilities and Opportunities
For recordings and more detailed program information, go to InSight Initiative Fall Forum 2020 Detailed Program. On October 29–30, 2020, MLA hosted a free online…
InSight Initiative Videos
Submitted by Gerald J. Perry, AHIP, FMLA, Past Chair, InSight Initiative Task Force, and John Gallagher, Chair, InSight Initiative Task Force MLA’s InSight Initiative is…
Visit the Pacific Northwest through MLA Oral Histories
Although MLA ’20 has transitioned from the in-person meeting in Portland, OR, to the virtual vConference, the Oral History Committee is putting the spotlight on interviews…
A Career Spanning Five Decades and Half a Continent: J. Michael Homan, AHIP, FMLA
J. Michael Homan, AHIP, FMLA, may be best known for his twenty years at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN, where he served as director of…
History: Gwendolyn S. Cruzat, AHIP, FMLA
Gwendolyn S. Cruzat, AHIP, FMLA, chose librarianship over mathematics, which led to a long and distinguished career, ultimately in medical librarianship. Cruzat had earned her…
It’s Called Predatory Publishing for a Reason!
One of the outcomes of the open access publishing phenomenon has been the proliferation of what has come to be known as predatory journals. This…
Report from InSight Summit 2: How Can Librarians, Publishers, and Providers of Discovery and Management Tools Collaborate to More Effectively Communicate the Value of Information?
Submitted by Nadine Dexter, AHIP, Harriet F. Ginsburg Health Sciences Library, University of Central Florida–Orlando; Deborah Harris, F1000, London, United Kingdom; Emma Cryer Heet, AHIP,…
Report from InSight Summit 2: How Information Providers and Libraries Can Collaborate in Supporting Users in Developing Information Literacy through the Research/Publishing Life Cycle
Submitted by Priya Arora, Wolters Kluwer; John Gallagher, Harvey Cushing/John Hay Whitney Medical Library, Yale University, New Haven, CT; Tracy Gardner, Renew Publishing Consultants; Susan…
Report from the InSight Initiative Summit: Imagining the Ideal Social Networking Site for Collaboration and Sharing
Submitted by Richard Gallagher, Annual Reviews; Linné Girouard, AHIP, Library, Houston Methodist Hospital, Houston, TX; Steven Heffer, Wolters Kluwer; and Rich Lampert, Doody Consulting, Philadelphia,…
History: William D. Postell Sr.: A Late Bloomer, but Twice as Bright
William D. Postell Sr. came to libraries as a second profession. During the depression, young Postell had trouble finding a position as a geologist. Following…
Report from the InSight Initiative Summit: Leveraging Specialized Discovery Tools to Maximize User Engagement
Submitted by Caitlin Cricco, Springer Nature, New York, NY; Nadine Dexter, AHIP, Harriet F. Ginsburg Health Sciences Library, University of Central Florida–Orlando; Donna Gibson, Medical…
Applications for InSight Initiative Summit 2 Sought
The InSight Initiative Task Force is pleased to announce that applications are now being sought for the second InSight Initiative Summit, “Meeting the Evolving Information…
History: Fred W. Roper, AHIP, FMLA: Educator, Southern Gentleman, Host, and Medical Librarian
Starting his life in Hendersonville, NC, Fred W. Roper, AHIP, FMLA, soon knew two things. He loved Tar Heels basketball and medical library education. In…
Report from the InSight Initiative Summit: What Can Librarians and Vendors Learn from “Pirate” Sites?
Submitted by Harold S. Bright IV, AHIP, A.T. Still Memorial Library, A.T. Still University of Health Sciences, Mesa, AZ; Vida Damijonaitis, JAMA Network, Chicago, IL;…
History: T. Mark Hodges
T. Mark Hodges did not set out to be a librarian, but like many of us, he fell into the love of organized books. While…
Report from the InSight Initiative Summit: Thinking about Security and the Future of IP Authentication
Submitted by Gerald J. Perry, AHIP, FMLA, Libraries, University of Arizona–Tucson; Andrea Lopez, Annual Reviews; Gabriel R. Rios, Ruth Lilly Medical Library, Indiana University–Indianapolis; and…