SC/MLA Members Share Inspiring Ideas for Promoting Libraries: Part 3 of 3
This article originally ran in the Southern Chapter of the Medical Library Association’s newsletter Southern Expressions, 2021;37(4):4–8.October is National Medical Librarians Month, a time to both…
SC/MLA Members Share Inspiring Ideas for Promoting Libraries: Part 2 of 3
This article originally ran in the Southern Chapter of the Medical Library Association’s newsletter Southern Expressions, 2021;37(4):4–8. October is National Medical Librarians Month, a time…
SC/MLA Members Share Inspiring Ideas for Promoting Libraries: Part 1 of 3
These articles originally ran in the Southern Chapter of the Medical Library Association’s newsletter Southern Expressions, 2021;37(4):4–8. October is National Medical Librarians Month, a time…
JMLA Editor-in-Chief Transitions to New Role
Please thank Katherine Akers for her service to MLA as she steps down from the role of JMLA editor-in-chief and transitions to a new career outside medical…
Coming Together with Common Interests: The Formation of the Animal and Veterinary Information Specialists (AVIS) Caucus
By Melissa Funaro, Karen Barton, AHIP, and Suzanne Fricke, AHIP The Veterinary Medical Libraries Section (VMLS)—first established as the Veterinary Medical Libraries Group—held its first…
Announcing New JMLA Editorial Board Members
The Journal of the Medical Library Association (JMLA) is pleased to announce our new editorial board members for 2021–2024. These individuals are ready to use…
NCNMLG Statement on Solidarity
This statement reflects the opinion of the Northern California & Nevada Medical Library Group (NCNMLG) of MLA and does not necessarily reflect the official position…
Developments Spring 2021 v. 32 #2
Developments Spring 2021 v. 32 #2 Message from the Editor Message from the Chair Caucus Leadership Statement of Solidarity with Asian Americans Pacific Islanders (AAPI)…
New JMLA Assistant, Obituaries, and Social Media Editors Announced
The Journal of the Medical Library Association (JMLA) is pleased to announce new additions to our editorial team! Thane Chambers is a new assistant editor.…
Systematic Review Caucus Official Statement Against Acts of Violence and Hate
This statement reflects the opinion of the Systematic Review Caucus of MLA and does not necessarily reflect the official position of the Medical Library Association…
Technical Services Caucus – Statement of Solidarity
This statement reflects the opinion of the Technical Services of MLA and does not necessarily reflect the official position of the Medical Library Association (MLA).…
JMLA’s Equity Initiative: An Update
In 2020, the Journal of the Medical Library Association (JMLA) launched an initiative aimed at providing more equitable opportunities for authors, reviewers, and editorial team…
Message of Solidarity from the Dental Caucus Leaders
This statement reflects the opinion of the Dental Caucus of MLA and does not necessarily reflect the official position of the Medical Library Association (MLA).…
Statement in Solidarity with AAPI Colleagues and Communities
This statement reflects the opinion of the Social Justice and Health Disparities Caucus of MLA, and does not necessarily reflect the official position of the…
Chapter News: PNC/MLA Statement in Support of the AAPI Community: #StopAsianHate
This statement reflects the opinion of the Pacific Northwest Chapter of MLA, and does not necessarily reflect the official position of the Medical Library Association…
Statement from the Global Health & Health-Equity Domain Hub Against AAPI Violence
This statement reflects the opinion of the Global Health & Health Equity Domain Hub of MLA, and does not necessarily reflect the official position of…
FLC Caucus AAPI Solidarity Statement
This statement reflects the opinion of the Federal Library Caucus of MLA, and does not necessarily reflect the official position of the Medical Library Association…
AAMLA Statement of Support
The African American Medical Librarians Alliance Caucus stands in solidarity with our Asian American Pacific Islander colleagues against the recent acts of violence. Read the…
MLA Latinx Caucus: Official Statement Against Acts of Violence & Hate
This statement reflects the opinion of the Latinx Caucus of MLA, and does not necessarily reflect the official position of the Medical Library Association (MLA).…
Chapter News: Southern Chapter of MLA Virtual Annual Meeting
The Southern Chapter of MLA (SCMLA) held its 70th annual meeting in virtual format from November 16–20, 2020. Our meeting was originally scheduled to be…