Message from the Editors – Summer 2021 – HLC @ MLA’21
The MLA’21: Transforming our Diversifying Communities v-conference is nearly upon us! The conference kicks off next Monday, May 10, at 10:30AM CT with the opening session.Don’t…
5 Minutes With… Nancy A. Clark
5 Minutes With… Nancy A. Clark Nancy A. Clark works as the Director, Library Network Office, Veterans Health Administration. She is this year’s recipient of the Lois Ann…
5 Minutes With… Jodi L. Philbrick
5 Minutes With… Jodi L. Philbrick, MSLS, PhD, AHIP Jodi L. Philbrick, MSLS, PhD, AHIP is a Senior Lecturer at the University of North Texas-…
JMLA’s Equity Initiative: An Update
In 2020, the Journal of the Medical Library Association (JMLA) launched an initiative aimed at providing more equitable opportunities for authors, reviewers, and editorial team…
Guest Columnist: Seema Bhakta
Hospital libraries attract various members of our community whether they be clinical staff or patients. However, due to the pandemic and the need for social…
Message from the Chair – Spring 2021
Last month MLA offered its first ever “Experience MLA” month, filled with a variety of events and learning opportunities from caucuses, committees, and domain hubs.…
Message from the Editors- Spring 2021
It doesn’t seem possible, but it’s already March! Last November, we transitioned National Network to a blog format. We hoped that this new format would…
Joint Commission for Medical/Hospital Librarians Updates, January 2020-January 2021: COVID-19
There are times I think I simply cannot read one more word about this coronavirus or COVID-19… but it will not fade to obscurity just…
Receiving the COVID-19 Vaccine: One Librarian’s Experience
I expected to be one of the last to receive the COVID vaccine according to our algorithm. However, one of the RNs recognized my impact…
MLA Reads Book Club: Insights on leading a virtual book discussion group
Editors’ Note: For today’s National Network blog post, we have a guest essay from the MLA Reads team. MLA Reads is a virtual book club…
JMLA Equity Work Group
In October 2020, the Journal of the Medical Library Association (JMLA) Equity Work Group solicited both the Latinx Caucus and the African American Medical Librarians…
Happy New Year!
Welcome back, HLC! I hope that you all were able to take a well-deserved, restorative break over the winter holiday season, even if only a…
Moving Our Association Forward: Learning From Our Mistakes
Message from Lisa Traditi, MLA President, and Kevin Baliozian, MLA Executive Director We acknowledge the hurt experienced by five of our Black colleagues during the…
An Apology from JMLA
The Journal of the Medical Library Association (JMLA) recently launched a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Initiative aimed at publishing more articles that recognize and address…
Happy Holidays!
What a year it has been. Through all the changes and challenges 2020 has brought, thank you for sticking with us. We hope you’ve enjoyed…
MLA InSight Initiative Fall Forum Future Possibilities and Opportunities
For recordings and more detailed program information, go to InSight Initiative Fall Forum 2020 Detailed Program. On October 29–30, 2020, MLA hosted a free online…
Guest Columnist: Seema Bhakta
In October of 2019, I packed my bags and moved to the great Pacific Northwest from sunny Southern California to embark on a new journey.…
We would like YOU to present at MLA
Editors’ note: Submissions are now open for posters and lightning talks for MLA ‘21–the deadline to submit your abstract is January 22, 2021 at 6:00PM…
Fall 2020 Business Meeting Recap
Last week in the quarterly message from the HLC Chair, Elizabeth Laera shared a brief recap of the Fall 2020 HLC Business Meeting. There is a recording…
Message from the Editors – Fall 2020
It’s safe to say that 2020 will go down as a year that has brought great challenges to us all, personally and professionally. Though our…