Research Training Institute (RTI) 2025: Why Should I Apply?
Applications are Now Open for the 2025-26 Research Training Institute (RTI). Since 2018, the RTI’s unique and highly successful program has trained, mentored, and supported…
Call for 2024 JMLA Virtual Projects
The Journal of the Medical Library Association (JMLA) Virtual Projects Section Advisory Committee is seeking current, innovative, and notable technology projects in health sciences libraries…
Congratulations to the RTI ’24 Participants!
MLA is pleased to announce the 2024 Research Training Institute (RTI) participants! The RTI ’24 online program is a successful, immersive research training program that…
History of the South Central Chapter
Edited by Christine Willis In celebration of MLA’s 125th anniversary, we will be sharing caucus and chapter histories throughout the year. Previously published histories are…
Women Who Inspire Us
“Celebrating Women Who Tell Stories” is the 2023 theme for National Women’s History Month. Women have played a prominent role throughout MLA’s history, furthering our…
Announcing New JMLA Editorial Board Members
The Journal of the Medical Library Association (JMLA) is pleased to announce our new editorial board members for 2021–2024. These individuals are ready to use…
New JMLA Assistant, Obituaries, and Social Media Editors Announced
The Journal of the Medical Library Association (JMLA) is pleased to announce new additions to our editorial team! Thane Chambers is a new assistant editor.…
JMLA Equity Work Group
In October 2020, the Journal of the Medical Library Association (JMLA) Equity Work Group solicited both the Latinx Caucus and the African American Medical Librarians…
New JMLA Data Sharing Policy
The Journal of the Medical Library Association (JMLA) announces a new data sharing policy to go into effect on October 1, 2019. Authors of Original…
MLA Research Training Institute Launched, Next Step in MLA’s Goal to Advance Research
The Research Imperative Task Force is thrilled to announce the launch of the new MLA Research Training Institute for Health Sciences Librarians (RTI). The first…
Internet Resources: Finding Funding Opportunities
Edited by Talicia A. Tarver One emerging, and potentially novel, source of consultations for academic health sciences librarians involves helping clients find funding opportunities. While…
New JMLA Editor Named
The Board of Directors of the Medical Library Association (MLA) is pleased to announce the appointment of Katherine G. Akers as the editor-in-chief of the…
Apply for Volunteer Editor to Lead the JMLA
MLA seeks applications for a new volunteer editor of the Journal of the Medical Library Association (JMLA), the definitive source of information about the latest…
Sneak Peek on MLA Award for Research Advancement
By Margaret Bandy and Michelle Kraft, Research Imperative Task Force (RITF) Does your organization support your involvement in research activities? The MLA Board has approved…
New Institute Will Provide In-Depth Research Training for Librarians
In Toronto the MLA Board of Directors approved the concept of a Research Training Institute for health sciences librarians who want to improve their research…