NIH calls for swift sharing of COVID-19 results
NIH Director Francis Collins, MD has issued this statement calling on clinical researchers to swiftly share COVID-19 results through“To ensure such information is accessible as quickly…
Academy New and Renewing Members
Congratulations to members of the Academy of Health Information Professionals who are new members of the academy or have renewed their membership at the same…
In Memoriam: Erika Love, FMLA
Erika Love, FMLA, passed away on October 8, 2020, at home in Albuquerque, NM, surrounded by people who loved her. She was ninety-five and had…
MLA ’21 to Include Full Virtual Offering
Submitted by Tara Douglas-Williams, AHIP, Cochair, 2021 National Program Committee; Neville D. Prendergast, Cochair, 2021 National Program Committee; Lisa K. Traditi, AHIP, MLA President, and…
2020 MLA Grants, Scholarships, and Fellowship Recipients Honored
MLA awarded grants to deserving students and practicing health sciences information professionals during the MLA ’20 vConference. The Naomi C. Broering Latinx Heritage Grant provides…
MLA Board Highlights: August 2020
The MLA Board of Directors met virtually on August 5, 2020. All meetings of the MLA Board are open to members, except for executive sessions,…
MLA and AAHSL comment on NLM 2017-2027 Strategic Plan
A workgroup of more than 25 MLA and AAHSL volunteers have written comments addressing the progress of NLM’s strategic plan. The associations’ comments support the NLM…
Gerald J. Perry, AHIP, FMLA, Receives the 2020 Marcia C. Noyes Award
The highest honor that MLA confers is the Marcia C. Noyes Award. Gerald (Jerry) J. Perry, AHIP, FMLA, associate dean, University of Arizona Libraries (UAL),…
Thank You, MLA ’20 Sponsors
MLA expresses our sincere appreciation to all of these companies for their generous support of MLA ’20. For information about sponsorships for MLA ’21, please…
All for One…Health for All: The Role of Open Access, Evidence-Based Information to Improve Health for All Species
This content is only available to members.
MLA/AAHSL Call for Transparency & Impartiality in the Dissemination of Health Information
Today, MLA President Lisa K. Traditi, AHIP and AAHSL President Sandra Franklin, AHIP, FMLA urged the House Select Subcommittee on the CORONAVIRUS CRISIS reject all attempts to…
MLA Honors Excellence in Health Sciences Librarianship
MLA honors its 2020 award winners and recognizes their outstanding professional contributions to the field of health sciences librarianship. Awards were presented during the opening…
Caucus News: 2020 Research Caucus Research Awards
Congratulations to the winning research papers and posters from MLA ’20 and the biannual Journal of the Medical Library Association (JMLA) Best Research Paper! The…
Caucus News: Hospital Library Caucus Awards Its Members
It is a long-standing tradition for the Hospital Library Caucus (HLC) to recognize members with its own caucus awards. The Awards Ceremony honoring members added…
MLA Honors Excellence in Health Sciences Librarianship
MLA honors its 2020 award winners and recognizes their outstanding professional contributions to the field of health sciences librarianship. Awards were presented during the opening…
Press, Play, Connect
Press, Play, Connect is the official podcast of MLA. Join Sally Gore and Emily J. Hurst as they interview librarians and discuss ideas from the medical…
2020 MLA Fellows
The 2019/2020 Board of Directors has named two association members as Fellows of MLA. Fellows are chosen for their outstanding contributions to health sciences librarianship…
MLA ’20 vConference New Member/First-Time Attendees Book Recommendations
This is a collection of favorite books and/or current reads that were mentioned in the New Members/First-Time Attendees meeting held on Monday, July 27, 2020,…
MLA ’20 vConference Lecturers
MLA honors all of its 2020 award winners and recognizes their outstanding professional contributions to the field of health sciences librarianship. This year’s lecturers were…
Fourth Annual MLA Book Recommendations: MLA ’20 vConference
This list is a compilation of books recommended throughout the MLA ’20 vConference. Any oversight of books not mentioned is unintended. Special thanks to the…