Mendeley Reference Manager Software
When it comes to reference manager software, I have been a long-time user and supporter of both EndNote and RefWorks – but Mendeley is currently…
Op Ed: Why Health Insurance Policy Matters to Health Sciences Librarians
The year 2017 saw multiple attempts by the US Senate and House of Representatives to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA). In each case, the…
How to promote your research and scholarly output
Both ORCID and ResearchGate are two sites that help make your research more discoverable to the research community. Librarians enjoy exploring new tools and when…
Plastic Bag Ordinances
The city I live in recently joined the growing list of local U.S. governments using public policies to attempt to reduce reliance on thin plastic…
New MeSH Terms for Public Health
Hello PH/HA Members, When the end of the year approaches, the NLM announces upcoming changes to MeSH terms. Many of the changes for 2018 relate…
FYI: “Let Your Fingers Do the Walking…”
A finger-tip camera to assist the visually impaired While “giving the finger” to a patron would, hopefully, prompt an image of a prosthetic—created by stereolithography—being…
PH/HA Travel Stipend Blog Post
Kathleen Amos was this year’s winner of the PH/HA Travel Stipend. Kathleen used the travel stipend to attend this year’s MLA conference. You can read all…
Chapter News: Hurricane Harvey: Voices from the Storm
Editor’s note: The following article was submitted, at our request, by the National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NNLM) South Central Region (SCR) office. Because…
Newly Appointed Diversity Task Force Announced
At MLA ’17 in Seattle, the MLA Board of Directors approved a new strategic goal to evaluate and improve MLA practices as they relate to diversity…
Eight Lessons Learned While Developing a Health Information Class for Family Caregivers
Approximately 43.5 million adults in the United States provided unpaid care to an adult or child in 2015 [1]. How can librarians reach this enormous…
I’ve earned my credential. What about you?
When the MLA board of directors hired me to serve as MLA’s executive director two years ago this month, they asked me to obtain the…
Diversity and Inclusion: Top Priorities for MLA
Diversity and inclusion are essential values for MLA, but are these values reflected in what we do and how we do it? As librarians, we…
Internet Resources: Breast Cancer: Financial and Assistance Resources
Submitted by Lisa Huang, Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Health Care System, Palo Alto, CA; edited by Talicia Tarver Breast Cancer Awareness Month may be over,…
Internet Resources: Research Data Management, Part Two: Data Reuse
Submitted by Jane Kinkus Yatcilla, Veterinary Medical Library, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN; edited by Talicia Tarver Editor’s note: Part 1 of this column on Research…
Submitted by Donald Welch Rx for Reading Doctors should start hanging posters in clinics and offices to “Read” like the posters that hang in libraries.…
Internet Resources: Research Data Management, Part One: Self Help
Submitted by Jane Kinkus Yatcilla, Veterinary Medical Library, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN; edited by Talicia Tarver Editor’s note: This month’s Internet Resources column is…
Internet Resources: Bibliotherapy and Poetry Therapy
Submitted by Judy Griggs, Family Resource Center, Akron Children’s Hospital, Akron, OH; edited by Talicia Tarver In 1966, the Association of Hospital and Institution Libraries…
The Value of the Academy of Health Information Professionals (AHIP)
Earlier this year, the Credentialing Committee surveyed Academy of Health Information Professionals (AHIP) members to learn how they perceive the value of membership in AHIP,…
Internet Resources: Skin Cancer Awareness and Prevention
Submitted by Talicia Tarver, Tompkins-McCaw Library for the Health Sciences, Virginia Commonwealth University–Richmond Editor’s Note: Submissions to this column are always welcome for consideration! Please…
Congratulations to Melissa Rethlefsen for winning the section research award
Congratulations to Melissa Rethlefsen for winning the section research award for herself and her two section coauthors of the paper “Librarian co-authors correlated with higher…