In Memoriam: Erika Love, FMLA
Erika Love, FMLA, passed away on October 8, 2020, at home in Albuquerque, NM, surrounded by people who loved her. She was ninety-five and had…
Education: Statistics to the Rescue!
Like many MLA members, my colleagues and I use PubMed heavily in our teaching. Its breadth makes it relevant to almost every health discipline, and…
Personals: Terrie R. Wheeler Featured on NEJM Library Hub
Terrie R. Wheeler, director of the Samuel J. Wood Library and C.V. Starr Biomedical Information Center of Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, NY, is featured…
Personals: Sarah L. Carnes, AHIP, Featured in Publications
Sarah L. Carnes, AHIP, clinical librarian and acting emergency manager of the Bedford Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Center in Bedford, MA, was recently featured in…
In Memoriam: Donna P. Johnson
Donna P. Johnson died of COVID-19 on June 14. She became a nationally renowned medical library leader while overseeing Allina Health’s library during an era…
In Memoriam: Richard C. Wood
Richard C. Wood passed away July 12, 2020. He was executive director at the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center (TTUHSC) Libraries from 1991 to…
Personals: Susan Gerding Bader, AHIP, Retirement
On July 31, after seventeen years, Susan Gerding Bader, AHIP, is retiring as the director of the Learning Resource Center at the Baylor University Louise…
Personals: Virginia Commonwealth University Transitions
On July 1, 2020, leadership of the Tompkins-McCaw Library for the Health Sciences, Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) Libraries–Richmond, transitioned with the retirement of John E.…
Visit the Pacific Northwest through MLA Oral Histories
Although MLA ’20 has transitioned from the in-person meeting in Portland, OR, to the virtual vConference, the Oral History Committee is putting the spotlight on interviews…
JJ Pionke Named Library Journal 2020 Mover & Shaker
MLAConnect: Congratulations on being named one of the 2020 Library Journal Movers & Shakers! This is well-deserved recognition for all of the work you do…
Innovation & Research Practice: Let’s Stop Reinventing the Wheel: Locating and Evaluating Existing Systematic and Rapid Reviews on COVID-19 Topics
There has been much discussion over the past few weeks about the deluge of research on coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) topics. As we seek to…
In Memoriam: Jeff D. Williams, AHIP
Submitted by MLA Headquarters on behalf of Robert I. Grossman, Dean and Chief Executive Officer, NYU Medical Center Jeff D. Williams, AHIP, department chair and…
Personals: Retirement of Alan Carr
Alan F. Carr, AHIP, has announced his upcoming retirement on July 1, after eighteen years of service to the National Network of Libraries of Medicine…
Personals: Retirement of Kelli Ham
Kelli Ham, National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NNLM) Pacific Southwest Region (PSR), University of California–Los Angeles (UCLA), has announced her retirement on July 1.…
Personals: Nisha Mody Appointed Interim Associate Director
Nisha Mody, Louise M. Darling Biomedical Library, University of California–Los Angeles (UCLA), became interim associate director on June 1. Mody is a health sciences information…
Personals: Janis F. Brown, AHIP, Retires
Janis F. Brown, AHIP, retired after thirty-nine years of service to the University of Southern California (USC)–Los Angeles. Brown has served in many roles since…
Personals: Erin E. Reardon, AHIP, Joins the University of Minnesota Bio-Medical Library
Erin E. Reardon, AHIP, recently joined the Bio-Medical Library, University of Minnesota–Minneapolis, as one of four librarians working with the Medical School. As a liaison…
Personals: Retirement of Donna B. Flake, AHIP, FMLA
Donna B. Flake, AHIP, FMLA, retired from her job as library director of the South East Area Health Education Center (SEAHEC) Medical Library in Wilmington,…
Personals: Joyce Backus Honored with Diversity and Inclusion Lecture
Some readers may know that National Library of Medicine (NLM) Associate Director for Library Operations Joyce Backus will be “taking the leap” and retiring on…
Personals: Retirement of Sandra Irene Martin, AHIP
Sandra Irene Martin, AHIP, director of the Shiffman Medical Library and Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Allied Health Learning Resources Center, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, retired in…