• Congress passes stop-gap funding

    Today, the House and Senate passed legislation that will fund the government through December 11th, just hours before the start of the new fiscal year.…

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  • International News

    Submitted by Katie D. McLean, AHIP ALIA Releases 2015 Trend Report on Library and Information Science The Australia Library and Information Association (ALIA) has released…

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  • MLA supports the FY 2016 budget

    MLA has joined 2,500 organizations in sending a letter to Congress urging: that sequestration be replaced with a balanced approach to deficit reduction; and that sequestration…

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  • Please Take Our Survey!

    The Collection Development Section is updating the part of its website that provides resources for the entire MLA user community. Please help us figure out…

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  • MLA and AAHSL weigh in on the NIH-wide Strategic Plan

    MLA and the Association of Academic Health Sciences Libraries (AAHSL) have submitted comments and recommendations to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) on a framework for…

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  • International News

    Submitted by Katie D. McLean, AHIP Graphic Medicine Highlights Comic Art Across Health Care and throughout the World Launched in 2007 by physician/artist Ian Williams,…

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  • International News

    Submitted by Katie D. McLean, AHIP CADTH and Partners Hold Rapid Review Summit The Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH), British Columbia…

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  • MLA’s Librarians without Borders® E-Library Training Initiative Activities, 2014

    Submitted by Lenny Rhine, FMLA, Coordinator, Librarians without Borders® E-library Training Initiative With a two-year renewal from the Elsevier Foundation’s Innovative Libraries Grants in Developing…

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  • International News

    Submitted by Katie D. McLean, AHIP Cochrane EMBASE Screeners Reach 100,000 Records As of December 2014, a little over 100,000 records have been screened by…

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  • Member Spotlight: Mary Nelson Peters, AHIP

    Fast Facts: MLA Member Since: 1976First Professional Position: Serials librarian, Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine–Fort Worth (now University of North Texas Health Science Center)Current Position:…

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  • International News

    Submitted by Katie D. McLean, AHIP ALIA Launches FAIR Initiative for Open Information The Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) recently launched Freedom of Access…

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  • MLA supports cures for patients

    MLA and AAHSL have signed onto a community letter commending the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions’ (HELP) for its effort to draft legislation that…

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  • CDS Member Authored Articles, Books, Book Chapters, Reviews & Presentations

    CDS Members in BOLD Articles Reviews Presentations / Posters / Upcoming Presentations   Articles Goben, A., & Raszewski, R. (2015). The data life cycle applied…

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  • Conference Report: The Electronic Resources & Libraries (ER&L) Conference 2015

      Submitted by Susan Swogger, CDS Chair MLA’s annual conference is a most excellent opportunity to learn and share with colleagues, but it is certainly…

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  • New Members

    Submitted by Nadia Lalla, Membership Committee Chair A warm welcome to our newest members and returning members of the Collection Development Section as of November…

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  • CDS Members In The News

    Nancy Olmos Awarded the 2014 Medical Library Group of Southern California and Arizona Paraprofessional of the Year Award Janet Doe Lectureship for 2016M.J. Tooey, AHIP,…

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  • Help Wanted: Volunteer Opportunities In CDS

    Wanted:  Editor — Developments Newsletter The Collection Development Section is looking for a new Editor for the section’s newsletter, Developments. Developments is published two times…

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  • CDS Logo Contest Results

    We have a new logo! We have a new logo! Brooke Billman, MA, AHIP of the Arizona Health Sciences Library at the University of Arizona…

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  • Awards: The Daniel T. Richards

    Submitted by Rebecca Raszewski, Awards Committee Chair The Collection Development Section is pleased to announce that the article, Mapping the Literature of Radiation Therapy by…

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  • Collection Development Election Results

    Submitted by Susan Kendall, Nominating Committee Chair The results of the Collection Development Section elections are: Chair-Elect:  Amy Purvis apurvis@galencollege.edu Amy Purvis, MLS, AHIP, is…

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