FYI: The Latest about Sci-Hub
Something probably falling under the definition of a “statement or report disseminated without a source of truth or veracity”—in other words, a rumor—appeared recently in…
FYI: Eponymous Librarians
An article in College & Research Libraries recently took issue with the upshots of “Criteria for Determining Predatory Open-Access Publishers” by Jeffrey Beall. The authors…
RTI Seeks Scholarship Aid from Sections and Chapters
Susan Lessick, AHIP, FMLA, project director, Research Training Institute, sent a letter on January 23 to the chairs of MLA sections and chapters encouraging them…
A Special Thank You to the Research Institute for Public Libraries (RIPL)
MLA thanks the Research Institute for Public Libraries (RIPL) for its support of MLA’s Research Training Institute for Health Sciences Librarians (RTI). RIPL and MLA…
Thanks to All Who Applied!
MLA is very pleased to report that we received many applications for the 2018 Research Training Institute for Health Sciences Librarians (RTI) and are so…
FYI: Predators in the Periodicals
As if libraries (and patrons presumably) do not have enough to worry them—like ransomware, acts of terrorism, rascals in raincoats, news that is fake, theft,…
A Special Thank You to SAGE Publishing
MLA thanks SAGE Publishing for its generous contribution of fifty free e-book versions of the fifth edition of Research Design, the textbook that will be…
Welcome to the New RTI News Blog!
Submitted by Susan Lessick, AHIP, FMLA, Project Director, MLA Research Training Institute for Health Sciences Librarians This column will focus on news and information…
New RTI Web Page
Do you need tips for convincing your boss of the merits of the upcoming 2018 Research Training Institute for Health Sciences Librarians (RTI)? We now…
A Special Thank You to the Association of Academic Health Sciences Libraries (AAHSL)
MLA expresses grateful appreciation to the Association of Academic Health Sciences Libraries (AAHSL) for its enthusiastic support of MLA’s Research Training Institute for Health Sciences Librarians.…
FYI: Whither Books and Learning?
Demise of books? If the findings of a survey outlined in an article published by Inside Higher Education are indicative of trends to come, then…
MLA Research Training Institute Launched, Next Step in MLA’s Goal to Advance Research
The Research Imperative Task Force is thrilled to announce the launch of the new MLA Research Training Institute for Health Sciences Librarians (RTI). The first…
InSight Initiative Launched, Summit Planned for Early 2018
A small group of MLA leaders including past presidents has been meeting to consider fresh and exciting ways to engage with publishers and vendors serving…
FYI: Sci-Hub and Chatbots
The continuing saga of Sci-Hub and scholarly publishing Ahhhhh… there is nothing like the mystery of a spellbinder. There is one percolating in publishing and…
CDS Newsletter Fall 2016 v. 28 #2
Developments Fall 2016 v. 28 #2 Message from the Editors In this issue of Developments we are delighted to bring updates from our Chair, Liz Lorbeer…
CDS Newsletter Summer 2016 v. 28 #1
CDS Newsletter Summer 2016 v. 28 #1 Message from the Editors Welcome back to the CDS Newsletter. In this issue, you’ll…
Submitted by Donald Welch Headline News for Chicago Old-timers in Chicago must be celebrating the “norther” wind of popularity and favor that is sweeping through…
Sneak Peek on MLA Award for Research Advancement
By Margaret Bandy and Michelle Kraft, Research Imperative Task Force (RITF) Does your organization support your involvement in research activities? The MLA Board has approved…
New Institute Will Provide In-Depth Research Training for Librarians
In Toronto the MLA Board of Directors approved the concept of a Research Training Institute for health sciences librarians who want to improve their research…
Dean Hendrix was named dean of libraries at the University of Texas–San Antonio (UTSA). As dean of UTSA Libraries, he will provide leadership for the…